Thursday, January 21, 2010

My "powers are weak"....

~My kids built the sweetest snowman the other day. It was their dad and he was holding a baby snowman that was Gracie. How cute are they?!
~For some reason the boys have started using a shovel somehow when they build the snowmen and now it's buried in new snow. OOOOPS!!!
~Our primary class went really well Sunday. They are ADORABLE kids!!! Max gave his talk. Well, he stood there while I gave the talk. It was only his second time to go to big kid primary and he got stage fright. No tears just...speechless. Matthew volunteered in his class to give a talk this week. We're trying to be SO PROUD of his desire to give talks in primary. The topic is "We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ." Not too difficult at least. I was proud of Matthew for volunteering to recite the first article of faith in primary last Sunday. He did a great job! He's pretty shy so I was surprised he did it!!! He's very brave!
~My "powers are weak"!! I decided to shovel Ruth's driveway yesterday. I could use the exercise and her super nice neighbor who usually plows it with is 4-wheeler didn't come over and plow so I just figured what the heck might as well. I only lasted an hour and only shoveled like a quarter of it. It totally kicked my trash!! I'm so sore today! The neighbor came by this morning thankfully since it snowed at least the same amount last night as the night before. Can't get over how much snow we have!! My biggest problem is that it started kind of melting on the bottom but there were still several inches on top of that so I was shoveling slush and snow. HEAVY STUFF!!! I am pathetically out of shape!!!
~I have almost finished another book. It's only taken me weeks of reading a sentence here a paragraph there. I haven't been sleeping well so I have been reading at night when I can't fall asleep and in the morning when I wake up at 4am and can't fall back to sleep and finally give in and read. I only have like 30 pages left. I LOVE reading! I am so glad my mom shares her books with me. She gives me the books in perfect shape. You can't even tell they have been read. Then I return them with covers and pages bent. I even spilled a little water on this one. I feel just terrible returning them in such shape but she never complains and is so nice about it. I appreciate it so much! After carrying a book around for weeks it starts to show wear. Especially when I have a super cute little 3 year old running around destroying everything in his path. Anyway, I have really enjoyed this book. It's set in the 1870's and it makes me so grateful for blessings, conveniences, medicine, emergency services, lots of things we take for granted every day! I am spoiled and so grateful for that! So glad I can throw a load of clothes in the washing machine and then in the dryer, load and unload the dishwasher, turn on a light when I need it. DRIVE to the store if I need a loaf of bread, jam, fruit, vegetables, milk, butter, etc., etc. I can buy my family socks instead of knitting them myself. Use the very convenient freezer, frig, toilet, shower, furnace, air conditioner, school bus system. On and on I could go!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I just read a book too! I haven't read anything besides my scriptures, Ensign & Friend for a very long time. My mom handed me the book when I was visiting right after Christmas. She said "Here's a great book. It only took me a couple of hours to read the whole thing." Okay!! So I just barely finished it on Monday while Jeramy was in surgery. I'm like you - a sentence or paragraph or page when I can.