Friday, January 8, 2010

If you can read this you are in my way...

~I found a t-shirt I need to get. It looks like an eye chart and said If you can read this you are in my way. Cracked me up!!! I think my sister Katie would like it too!!! hehehe
~The other night while Brian and I were making dinner Max decided it would be super fun to smear Vaseline all over the rim of the toilet. When I walked in the bathroom after he had gone to bed and saw it my mind was having a hard time processing what my eyes were seeing. Did someone do that vaseline on the toilet prank??? No who would do such a thing??? Zack? NO!!!! Matthew? No.? Max (age 3)? Well, sure!!!!! After all he once painted the garbage can with honey using an actual paint brush. No one else's mind works like this!! So the next morning we asked him about it and he said he didn't do it. It was a ghost boy. He tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen and did it anyway. If he wasn't so stinking cute I just don't know what would have happened to him by now! Santa totally knew what he was doing when he put that Dennis the Menace DVD in his stocking this year. Of course it will probably give him more ideas.
~I'm going to really sound like a parent for a second now but I SERIOUSLY think my boys drink the shampoo!!! They at least just literally poor money down the drain! I told Max yesterday that we could buy him more toys and we could eat out more if we didn't have to buy so darn much shampoo. He probably thinks now that if he stops pouring it down the drain we can live in a mansion, go on vacations, have all the toys he ever dreamed of, eat out all the time, and drive a super great, fancy, sports car seeing as how the answer to all of our financial woes hinges on whether or not he pours shampoo down the drain. Kids are so literal after all! Do you ever say stupid, overly dramatic things to your kids in frustration or is that just me?!
~It occurred to me yesterday afternoon that maybe Max could use a little more one on one attention from me and his dad. After all he was the baby for 3 1/2 years and now there's little Princess Gracie now to compete for attention with as well as the fact that everyone keeps getting sick and taking attention that way as well. Last night Brian and I were asked to teach his Sunday School class at church from now on. I have about a zillion reservations about doing this but we accepted thinking it will be a great opportunity to spend that one on one time with Max. And you've gotta say yes anyways! Wish us luck!!! Hopefully they don't eat us alive! Max is the worry! He is an angel until WE teach him and then he swings from the rafters...Heaven help us!!
~I can't get enough soup this time of year! I just LOVE it!!! Does anyone have any yummy soup recipes? My mom makes the most delicious chicken stew. So good and back when she did Weight Watchers it was 0 points or just like 1 or 2. Very minimal. I could eat it for lunch and dinner for a week it's so yummy! If you don't mind sharing a good soup recipe please email me at Even if I don't know you please share anyway!!!
~I am so glad I don't live in the big metropolis anymore for two very BIG reasons...SUNSHINE AND CLEAR SKYS!!! Every winter the air gets so nasty there and it's just so gray and cloudy from the smog. HORRIBLE!!! I would get really depressed every year at this time because dark, dreariness, lack of sunshine, and being cooped up in the house with kids all day as a stay at home mom eventually wears on you!!! So I am so grateful for sunshine. The last couple of days have been kind of cloudy but that's totally fine sometimes. I love a good cloudy day to make me want to snuggle up on the couch with a warm blanket and a good book. Just not every day for months on end!!!
~Well, that is all...have a good day!!!

1 comment:

Tara said...

HAHAHA! At least you didn't slip in! I love that you have a crazy prankster!!!! So cute, even though he is soooo naughty. Where does he come up with this stuff?? It made me think of Bron - such a busy boy! I laughed because we gave him the Denise the Menace DVD too! That's great! Good luck with your new calling!