Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My b-day. The big 3-7!!! WOW I'm OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~My mom, my sister Stephanie and Steph's son Josh came to town to take me to lunch for my birthday. It was nice to spend time with them! My mom made me a cake and brought it with her and I thought that was very nice of her! It's interesting how most birthdays come and go and I don't even care but this year it seemed more important to me. Meant more to me. I don't know why that is but I sure did appreciate all of the nice gestures by everyone to make the day more special!!!
~I'm kind of wishing I would have asked Brian to take the day off so he could watch the kids for me and make dinner for me and do the laundry and basically give me a break for a day.I always feel like I'm able to give more as a mom and be better and nicer when I have a little time to relax and just BE once in a while. Does that make me selfish or does that make me normal and human?
~Man I can't believe how dry it is here! We are going through Aveeno like crazy and my hands are still cracked and bleeding. My feet are atrocious!!! I stocked up on a good foot cream, foot scrub, and pumice stone the other day. I sure hope it helps!!!
~I've decided we should buy stock in kleenex, cold medicine, ibuprofen, tylenol, hand sanitizer, and lotion before next winter. By Spring we'll be raking in the cash!!!!! We've spent an absolute fortune on these things this year. Not to mention copays for Dr. and dentist visits, prescriptions, hospital visits, and cough drops. Sheesh!!!!
~I'm having an -I really miss my dad- day!!! When I woke up this morning I was thinking about how special my birthdays were when I was a little kid. At my mom's house she would get a baby sitter and take me out to eat and I could pick where ever I wanted to eat. It was just me, Mom, and Stan. She would also make us our favorite cake and we would have ice cream. I don't remember anything about the gifts although there were gifts I just remember the feelings I had of being special and getting to do special things on my special day. She also made cupcakes and took them to school for a treat for me to share with my class that day. When we went to my Dad's for Christmas break he would always have a party for me. My birthday was in the middle of January so we wouldn't see each other on my birthday but he always made a special point to have a party for me while we were together. He would always make a special dinner for me. My most favorite dinner always was and always will be spaghetti. Italian in general really. For a few years in a row he actually made the spaghetti noodles from scratch and the sauce from scratch. I am sure there were presents and a cake involved there too and but once again I can't remember those details just the feelings of being special and having a special day. I told Brian about it when I woke up and thought about it all day. I was able to spend some time time with my mom and sister and that was so nice and then dinner with my family and cake and ice cream. I was missing my dad. He always called and wished me happy birthday and I know that he loved me. He wasn't perfect. None of us are. But he was a person in my life that I knew loved me, and wanted me to be happy. I loved him too and miss him!!!!!
~So Brian gave me the BEST gift for my birthday!!! He knows how addicted I am to facebook and blogging and how hard it's been to not have my own computer since we've lived with his mom and our computer is broken so he bought me one of those tiny little computers. They had them at Walmart for $229.00 so he got me one. I absolutely LOVE it!!! I don't remember when I've had a more perfect gift!!! Now I just need to keep Max away from it and I'll be in great shape!!! Brian also made one of my favorite cakes ever. My mom's strawberry cake. So delicious!!! And it's a "from scratch" recipe and everything. LOVE it! LOVE that he made it for me!!! What a great guy!!!!


Tara said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sounds like it's been a wonderful day for you!! And a new computer to boot -- Brian just scored some mega points - way to go!!! The cake sounds yummy too! You'll have to add that to your recipe blog!

Kale and Rowdy said...

Happy Birthday! It's good to have a special day and be pampered. And I agree--we can all be better moms with some ME time.

Shani said...

Hey, sorry I'm slow...hope your day was HAPPY anyway!!

Ginger said...

So glad you had a great Birthday. You deserve it!! Glad you have good family to spend the day with.