Saturday, January 16, 2010

My keester survived!!!

~We went ice skating today with Brian's brother Jared and his wife Becky, their kids, Becky's family, and Brian's Mom and brother Chris came along to watch. Well, it was the first time for all of us and it was a lot of fun! I was a HUGE chicken poo and couldn't bring myself to step on the ice with both skates. Finally, Chris let me hold on to his arm (he was in tennis shoes and didn't slip at all) and he we went around the rink once. My knees were killing me! I was so afraid of falling and breaking my tailbone...again!!! Thankfully I made it back to safety! I almost kissed the ground when I stepped off the ice. I changed out of my ice skates, put my shoes back on and let my little Max around the ice. He didn't fare so well! He started running on the ice and slipped and fell and landed on his poor little noggin. He had a bad head ache after that! Poor little guy! Brian did a FANTASTIC job!!! Matty did super well, too. Zack got the hang of it eventually. I was so proud of them for trying and trying over and over!!! Becky brought hot chocolate for everyone. Her friend brought my FAVORITE...SCOTCHEROOS!!! LOVE them!!! And Zacky made some brownies to share. It was a great time! I'll post pictures on my word from the zoo blog soon. Even though I'm a chicken I can officially say I have tried ice skating now and I can mark it off my bucket list.
~I am the WORST at writing in a journal. My blogs have really helped this along I think. I mean at least I have SOME sort of record of our lives and our comings and goings and my feelings on things. Well, another great journal resource is my calendars. I keep our calendars every year. Some people think it's very weird that I do this but it has come in handy many times as a reference for when certain things happened. Also it's kind of fun to look back over the events written on the calendar. The other day I was looking over my 2009 calendar and last year about a week ago we had the ultrasound that told us we were having a precious little girl. It was kind of fun to think back on a year ago. Anyway, I hope you all keep your calendars as well. What better journals of what actually goes on in our lives and some of the fun activities we took part in.
~Tomorrow is the big day...our first day teaching Max's church class. He also gets to give his first ever talk in church. I'm excited and kind of nervous.
~I am so thankful for my children! I love each of them so much and hope they all know that! Some times life gets so crazy and one or the other gets more attention than the others and I worry about how they are handling everything and if they all feel enough love from us.
~Brian took Zack on a date in May to a baseball game. In July he took Matthew on a date to the Rodeo. Max has been REALLY needing attention so Brian decided to take him to see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 last night for their date. He really had fun and looked forward to it all day. I hope we can be better about doing that this year with the kids. Maybe do it twice with each kid. It's kind of nice because it makes them feel so special and it's not too expensive since it's just 2 people going. The kids LOVE it and that's the whole point of it!
~Well, I hope everyone has a great day and that things are going well for everyone!!!


Tara said...

sounds like so much fun!!! Glad you tried it! I've never been ice skating either. I'm going to have to try it!
Hope you survived primary!

JJ and Stephanie said...

Glad you survived ice skating. Can't wait for the pictures!