Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I quit!?!?

Last night I was thinking of quitting my job. Today is a new day thank goodness! I think I'll keep the job!!! It's snowing too! It's so beautiful to watch! I love waking up to see a blanket of snow covering everything! I'm just going to be happy and ENJOY the kids and the "job" I have. Soon enough I'll be "unemployed" ...and then I'll wish for this time back. Gotta take the time to ENJOY it while it lasts!!!!


Tara said...

I want to quit everyday at 5:00pm.... isn't an 8 hour day long enough? Thankfully we get to sleep and start over the next day - it's only bad if you didn't get to sleep on top of it all!

Ginger said...

I think all Mom's feel like that sometimes. I know I do! Thank goodness they sleep at night so we can get our sanity back!!