Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I've got the time change blues!!!

WARNING: This was written during the 5 a.m. hour so it may not be interesting or coherent! Good luck!

~I used to wake up at 5:30 a.m. For a while Gracie was waking up for a bottle at that time and then going right back to sleep until between 8 and 9. She would have been asleep since between 8 and 10 the night before so I was cool with getting up at 5:30 to feed her. Well, my body has a stupid natural alarm and after I repeatedly wake up at a certain time more than like 4 times my body just automatically adopts this new time to wake up. It sucked because I would fall asleep occasionally (usually I just never fell back to sleep) and wake up at 6:30 when the alarm went off so I could get the kids ready for the bus by 7:30. Well, ever since the lovely time change I wake up at 4:30. 4:30!!! I am not nice unless I get plenty of sleep and this is not my idea of plenty of sleep! Once I wake up I can't fall back to sleep because my mind thinks of all the things I need to do and stuff. RRRRGGGG!!!
~LOVE the Ped Egg!! You know that little thing they advertise to scrape the skin off of your feet. A friend on facebook posted about how much she likes it so I decided to test it out. When your husband refers to your feet as "hooves" you know you have a problem!!! It works wonders! It's super great and if you have "hooves" too, I highly recommend you try it!!!
~Not a big fan of spider rings and fake spiders in general because of my hatred of spiders. I have to say that living in a basement with really dark green carpet that's almost black where TONS of spiders live makes me dislike them even more!!!! YUCK!!! I don't get why boys like them so much either! NASTY!!!
~Max is so stinking cute! He LOVES preschool! He is at that funny stage that all my boys have gone through where they make up their own truth. They have crazy imaginations and just say the most hilarious things at this stage. I just pray that people don't believe what they say because who knows what they'd think was going on at our house! One day he told me that his teacher made him a birthday cake that day at school. One day I wanted him to wear these red work out pant kind of things that are way cute with navy blue and white stripes down the side of the leg. He tells me his teacher says he can't wear those pants to preschool. He HATES wearing coats in the winter so the other day he told me that his teacher says he doesn't have to wear a coat. The other day we were at his dad's office (he has been going to work an hour early and working through lunch to make up for time he missed when he had the swine flu and we've been taking lunch to him) and it was time to take him to preschool. I said, "Oh, Maxers we forgot to comb your hair today." He said, "That's ok my teacher says we don't have to comb our hair." He's just silly! I was reading some old posts the other day on my other blog and laughed again when I read about him telling me when I made tuna casserole or tuna surprise as Brian calls it that, "the tuna people told me that I can't eat tuna in my macaroni." Cracked me up!
~I keep reminding myself that it's ok that everyone drives like 5 miles an hour here because it's a small town and I'll probably still make it to my destination on time since it's not that far anyway. It helps me not want to pull my hair out every time I drive down the road. Remember we moved from a town that was in a county where we drove on the crazy interstate all the time and in busy towns and my car just doesn't know how to drive 5 miles an hour!!!
~We start watching Christmas movies at our house at the beginning of November. This year I HAD to watch Mixed Nuts in October. It makes me laugh! Such a bizarrely funny show! I'm curious if that Jim Carrey's Christmas Carol is good and if it's ok to take my boys to. Please let me know what you think if you see it!
~Well, I suppose I've rambled enough! I think I'll go tend my farm. It's SO much fun! I used to love to farm on facebook and then I decided it just took WAY too much time! I haven't farmed in months. I decided to try it again now that we have internet again and I used to enjoy farming while feeding bottles to Gracie and WOW they've changed it! It's super fast and easy and you get awesome tractors and stuff. Since people aren't blogging so much anymore I get bored and I was even thinking the other day that I wished it took a little longer on my farm because I didn't have anything else to do. Well, that's when I decided to finally cash in on all my Farkle chips people have been sending me and now I have a new addiction!!! My goal is to kick Brian's trash!!! Since Gracie sleeps so many hours during the night she eats every 2 hours during the day! That's a lot of farming I get to do!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I hate the time change too. Why can't they just leave it alone and let the time be what it is - like they do in Arizona??