Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's been so very long....

Brian finally hooked up our computer and internet so I can finally get fully back into my favorite activity in the world...BLOGGING!!!! I can put pictures on again and everything! HOORAY! (Can't get any to post right now of course but I'll try again later) Now if I can just remember to keep the battery charged so I can take pictures we'll be in business. I didn't get any pictures of my kids together on Halloween. I have a few random ones on my cell phone that weren't from Halloween day and I didn't get a single picture of my oldest in his super cool Dead Slasher Rocker Dude costume. And noone got a picture of me in my vampiress costume. Oh well. We had fun anyway! Friday night we went to a "trunker treat" at Brian's brother's church building that had 2 wards at the party and our Max won the "cutest costume" award!! So fun! I have to say he was quite cute! Our family is back to health. Gracie's congestion has improved quite a bit and she was back to sleeping through the night again last night which was SO nice! Brian still coughs occasionally and Max too but for the most part they are back to normal! Thanks for all the prayers! I know they helped!!! After a crazy 2 weeks of very little sleep for mom who was up medicating everyone, sucking out noses with nose suckers, feeding bottles, and worrying..a lot I was quite exhausted!!! Brian agreed to get up with Gracie Friday night so I could have a decent nights sleep and it was WONDERFUL!!! I have to admit I have had it pretty easy in the getting up with babies department. Brian fed Zack his nighttime bottles....every 2 hours...until he was 14 months old! AND he worked construction! He also fed Matthew his nightly bottles but luckily he stopped needing one after about 5 months and Brian was in school and didn't work a physically tasking job like construction anymore. With Max we took turns every other night for months and then I opted out of that whole thing and he took over every night. He told me that with Gracie I was on my own. He was DONE!!! Lucky for me she has slept through the night since like her third night home except for the occasional need for a bottle and this last week her stuffy nose woke her up a lot and she needed bottles then but other than that I sleep. Let me explain myself a little and then you can fairly judge me and I won't mind a bit what your judgement is!!! With Zack I had post partum depression, which I didn't understand but I did know that if I didn't have sleep I couldn't deal very well and if I had sleep I could be patient and kind and loving and things were good. No sleep, no patience, lots of crying for me and feeling inadequate and like a horrible person in every way and a horrible mom after pleading with the Lord for a baby for 6 years. All I know is I was much happier because Brian fed bottles and let me sleep and I will be eternally grateful to him for that!!! With Matty and Max I just couldn't go back to sleep once I was up and I was in school too with Matthew and unlike Brian who could study during the day I had to study until like midnight every night because I still had to do EVERYTHING else that was required to run the house and take care of the kids. Brian on the other hand can feed a bottle and fall immediately back to sleep. I would be up for HOURS just laying there thinking of all the millions of things I needed to do the next day. No matter how tired I was I couldn't fall back to sleep. Same now! These last 2 weeks I slept MAYBE 3 hours a night if I was lucky because I just couldn't fall back to sleep after giving medicine and feeding bottles and stuff. I know I'm a whiner and so pathetic but isn't my husband THE BEST HUSBAND EVER for doing that!!! And I have to say the kids all ADORE him and I like to think that some of their closeness comes from those "bonding times" when he fed them at night! ;)

Does anyone know which movie I got that quote from that I used for the opening title of this post? I just love movie trivia!


Kale and Rowdy said...

I've had luck in getting up with babies too. Rowdy completely did Koufax and Jane alone. However, I nursed Catcher and now Callum, so I've been on my own with them. I have a new appreciation for him now! :]

Tara said...

Glad you are back online! Now I'm feeling like I got ripped off - I never have help with babies at fair!!!!

Melissa and Jessie said...

Im glad that everyone is getting better now! I also nursed, so didnt get a whole lot of help with that one, but thats ok! :) Love ya babe! I need to call you.