Saturday, August 8, 2009

My new best friend...

SPRAY 'N' WASH MAX. I LOVE this stuff! I have used it quite a few times now and it is AWESOME!!! One day I washed and dried a shirt with a stain on it and then sprayed it and washed it again and it came right out. Today I was so excited when I tried it on a shirt that was on my dryer since like May needing to be treated. It had chocolate stains all over it. It came right out! Chocolate is a TOUGH stain!!! I love that you just spray it and throw it right in. It doesnt have to let it sit or anything! THE BEST!!! It works great on grass stains too and even Utah's red dirt on white baseball pants! LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!!


Princess Hairstyles said...

I'll have to try this stuff! I have the kind right now that has to sit overnight and it's a pain.

Cute new blog!

Shani said...

Thanks for the advice, Stetson made me buy the OXY stuff, they must have a pretty convincing commercial.

Tara said...

Gonna try it - I'm a zout fan, but I hate waiting for it to sit and soak in...