Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hannah Montana Rocks!! :)

Yes, it's true, I like Hannah Montana! Ok, so I'm 36 years old and maybe that seems weird but you know, I just don't care! I started out watching the show with my kids, I always watch at least one episode of a new show with my kids before I let them or banish them from watching it whichever the case may be. It is really a cute little show! I think the writing and the actors abilities have evolved over the life of the show and at this point it is really quite entertaining. I feel like it works for all ages. I've even caught it after the kids are already in bed and I'm flipping through the channels and I watch it without them because I think it's THAT cute. There aren't very many shows on regular television anymore that we can watch as a family. The sitcoms or reruns of sitcoms are all pretty risque for our little ones so it's been fun to find a show that the whole family can enjoy. It is pretty funny too! I always have a good chuckle during it. The kids LOVE her brother, Jackson. He's really pretty funny! Well, I wanted to see the movie but I couldn't get Huey to go to it with me because he's a closet Hannah Montana fan as well apparently since he's a boy and it's about a girl and he's just not ready to let the world in on his little secret. Well, I rented it and watched it and I thought it was really, really, good! It even made me cry a little at the end. (Not such a hard thing to do these days with my hormones still trying to even out after having my baby in May. But still.) I just love that song she sings at the end called The Climb. It is SO good! It's made me get choked up every time I've ever heard it because it is so sweet and is a great inspirational song for kids and grown ups alike I think. Now, please don't misunderstand me. I am not particularly a big Miley Cyrus fan. She does some weird things and I'm afraid she's headed down the same path as Britney Spears and the like but I really like the character she plays on the show Hannah Montana. Anyhoo, my confession is over. Don't judge, just love! :)


JJ and Stephanie said...

we have this but i haven't watched it yet.

Tara said...

No shame there! I've been known to watch it too!!! There are very few shows and cartoons kids can watch sad!

Kale and Rowdy said...

Rowdy and I have caught ourselves watching SEVERAL disney channel tv shows after the kids are in bed. Don't you love it? When we finally get a chance to watch what we choose, it's children's entertainment. :]

Shani said...

Who doesn't like Hannah Montana? I too absolutely loved the movie, and cried...unfortunately, I don't have hormones to blame!!