Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just have to vent...

I was so stinking mad today!!! I went to the school and got the note I need to have my Dr. fill out saying it's ok for my kindergartener,"Dewey" to have an epi pen at school in case his throat starts swelling shut from an accidental nut interaction since he's deathly allergic to all nuts. Well, I also decided I better get some epi pens from the pharmacy so I could actually take one to the school. I go ALL the way to the WalMart in the adjoining town that is about 10 minutes south of where we live to find out that my refilling ability expired for that prescription on July 31st. GREAT!!! So, I called the Dr.'s office to see if they could call, or fax in a prescription order for more epi pens and they are out to lunch and won't be returning until 2:00. Mind you it was 12:30 when I called!!! Who the crap takes AT LEAST an hour and a half off for lunch?!?!?! I get 2 minutes TOPS!!! I know I'm a stay at home mom but seriously I am lucky to sit down for lunch let alone taste the food I scarf down in 2 seconds flat. I understand an hour but AT LEAST an hour and a half is PRETTTTTY darn excessive if you ask me!!! Well, I decided that after I picked up some other stuff there at WalMart I would drop my hubby and Buttercup off at the house and take Dewey and Louey with me to their office so I could get the paper filled out and I would ask about the prescription refills then. This means I drove 10 minutes back home and then drove the 35 minutes in the other direction it takes to get to the Dr.'s office just to have a different Dr. in the office's receptionist inform me that it's my Dr's day off today. I said," I thought his day off was Tuesday." She said, " Oh it is but he took today off too but you can leave the paper here for him to fill out and you can come pick it up first thing tomorrow morning." With a big smile on her face! BREATHE!! DEEPLY!!! Do NOT freak out!!!! Don't say what you are thinking in your head!!! (Look toots!!! I tried to call your office an hour and a half ago but you were out to lunch, by the way, how long exactly, DO you have for lunch anyway?!!, and I live 40 minutes away so...that...isn'!!!!!!!) Instead I just tried as calmly as I could to discuss this rationally and luckily there was a nurse there that sent in the prescription order for me and I'm going to call in the morning and see if the school will accept a faxed copy and see if the Dr.'s office will fax it to the school. Let's hope because I don't know how long the niceness can last!!!
I did perk up, however, when I decided to go to Old Navy since I was already up there and they were having jeans for kids for $10 a pair and I wanted to see if I could find a pair of new jeans for Dewey for school. I wanted him to have 1 new outfit for school since we got Hewey 1 new outfit for school. Well, I ended up finding a pair for Hewey for $3.79!!! BONUS!!!! He's husky and husky's are hard to come by, especialy for $3.79 a pair!!! All is right with the world again! See, shopping does make EVERYTHING better! :)


JJ and Stephanie said...
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JJ and Stephanie said...

Atleast your shopping trip was good!

Shani said...

HaHa!!! You can't tell me that 'Retail Therapy' is just a woman's excuse to go shopping!!!

Tara said...

I'm right there with you! Shopping is a great cure for a bad day!! Especially when you find smoking deals like that! My fav!!! Hope they get it all worked out and save you time and gas...such a pain!

Princess Hairstyles said...

Wow, $3.79!! I haven't seen a deal like that since 1988!! I really wish we had an Old Navy closer by. Btw, what type of nuts is your son allergic to? Just curious if we have the same problem.