Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Frogs, snakes, and earwigs..oh my!!!

We live in a home that is right on the edge of a small town. We love the beauty and the calm that come from being kind of away from everyone but I have to say I'm not diggin the creatures that surround us! My husband and 3 boys saw 4 snakes in the yard when they were out there playing catch one day and my mother-in-law saw one slither into a crack on the drive way one day. Now I'm terrified to weed the flower beds for fear one will slither out from under a bush or across the grass. Can you imagine?! The boys were playing out by the pond in our back yard and found a pretty cool frog. I don't mind him at all. But we have had an infestation with wasps I swear! They are everywhere and we can't seem to get rid of them. They even keep trying to take over our BBQ grill. NOT COOL! Then we started seeing earwigs. Now I can take a lot of things but earwigs freak me out! I was worried that we were going to have to do a bug bomb or something but luckily we seem to have killed them all now. We've always had a lot of spiders since we moved here but then Brian killed a huge brown spider with a crazy pattern on his back. I want him to check out pictures of spiders on Google to see whether it was a brown recluse or a wolf spider. I'm feeling WAY too close to nature at this point! The boys left our back door open for hours a couple of different times and now I'm totally scared I'll find a "special friend" lurking under something they left on the floor when I pick it up. Freaky deaky! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we've seen the last of the different types of creatures. I don't know how much more I can stand!

1 comment:

Denette said...

It sounds like you are experiencing a little bit of heaven (from a boys perspective). We have all the same critters here. I'm ok with it all as long as it all stays outside.