Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wishing For Something More....

I'm having one of those days when I'm looking at my wardrobe, my hairdo, my furniture, my accessories all over the house, my towels, my computer table, my kitchen table I painted red 4 years ago, my car and basically every purchase I ever made and wondering WHAT WAS I THINKING and wishing I could win the lottery and go on a super fun shopping spree and replace it all.......sigh!!! Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and just be happy I have all that stuff in the first place instead of wishing it was better. Let's hope!!! It's much better living a happy, grateful life instead of wishing for things I can't have. Ok, now I feel guilty!!! I AM grateful for everything, there is just a part of me that still wishes for better. Is that so bad?


Tara said...

If only wishes really did come true....

And money grew on trees....

And fairy godmothers had magic wands....

And four leaf clovers really were lucky....

Somehow in the mess of it all, while I feel like I'm missing out, I have to take a good look at what I DO have. It's not so bad, it could be worse! Now if I could just learn how to quit coveting....

Denette said...

I think we all struggle with it.

When I get into my "poor me" moods I tell myself I need a trip to Wellington. I grew up with less than I have now and was perfectly happy then. Most times, I see it as who I associate with as to what my wants are. Go figure.

Shane always tries to remind me that in the eternal perspective none of it matters. Yes, I know that, but it is still hard sometimes.