Sunday, September 20, 2009

To do list:

~Find more boxes.......check! (Thanks Payless Shoes!!)
~Take Louie to his dentist appointment.......check!
~Find a house to rent.....................................found one next door to the loopy guy that lives on Airport Road with the GIGANTIC aluminum can collection that is as deep as his tall back yard fence........does he hide dead people under there or what?! ............................................find a storage shed to rent to store all of our crap in and live with Brian's mom until we can find a DECENT place to live........check!
~Take Dewey and Louie to have dental surgery Thursday!!............check!(Dewey couldn't breathe very well when he was coming off of the anesthesia so they finally gave him some morphine to calm him down so they could give him a breathing treatment. I'm glad he ended up being fine after giving me and my mom a total heart attack!!! Louie did great!!! Thank heavens!!!)
~Find someone to take Huey to school on the morning of his brothers' dental surgeries.........................check! (Thanks Uncle Chris!!!)
~Plan an "Under the Sea" themed birthday party for Dewey for Saturday and pull it off without too many hitches...............check!
~Take a trip to the party store and a billion trips to WalMart in the last 2 weeks because you are too frazzled to "get it together" and keep thinking of more crap you can't live without!!..............check!!!
~Bawl your eyes out 2 Sundays in a row all through church because people keep being so darn nice and making you really, really want to stay there.............check!
~Go through the toy room and pick out stuff to give away..................check! ( This is not fun for me to do. For some reason it is really hard for me and causes me much anxiety and I usually end up only giving away some kids meal toys and keeping everything else but I ended up giving 4 garbage bags full of toys away. YAY ME!!!! I still have one of those awesome tool benches, and a great kitchen, and some little Mickey Mouse storage bin shelf things and some other things that I'm also going to give away. The kids love them and I'm kind of sad to see them go but they are just TOOOOO big!!! I am so HAPPY to give the light bright away!!! No more light bright pegs all over the house in crazy nooks and crannies, HOORAY!!!!!)
~Wash ooodles and oooodles of laundry and dishes when not packing or feeding Buttercup.............check!
~Fold and put away the Mount Everest size mountain of laundry that was washed and heaped in my bedroom all week.................check! (Ok, don't judge me too hard on this one. I was lucky to wash it this week with everything I had going on there was NO way I could get it put away until last night. It WAS easy to pack it up after folding it last night though since almost all of the clothes we own were all in one room:) ! )
~Show the house 3 times to potential buyers and 2 times to potential renters in the last 2 weeks......................
check! (This I will NOT miss when we move!! And being serenaded by cows at 6 a.m. ....well, maybe a little. JK! And band practice at the high school next to our subdivision at 7a.m. on Friday mornings....even in the summer!! ARGH!!)
~Finish packing up everything and clean the entire house by Saturday which is moving day, write a talk on baptism for my nieces baptism that is on the same day we move, call the school where we are moving to, change utilities out of our name, make Dewey's ACTUAL birthday on Thursday special and fun, don't lose it completely...............I'll have to get back to you on this one!!!!


Princess Hairstyles said...

Oh gosh, I'm tired just reading this! Good luck accomplishing it all.

Tara said...

Oh- that overwhelmes me just thinking about it....At least you found time to blog about it!
Good luck on finding a place to live (yes, stay away from the creepy people)!!