Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I really, really love to read! I love reading the kids their fun little books, especially if they let me pick them, and I love to get a chance to just take a whole day and lose myself in a good book. Let the dishes and laundry pile up, let the kids do whatever they want to as long as they just let me read in peace, stay in my p.j.'s, snuggle up with a blanket, and just read, read, read!!! AHHHhhhh.... My love of reading began when I was just a little girl and my mom would read books to us while she watched Days of Our Lives. She was so talented at multi tasking, don't you think! One of my favorite years of reading was my 4th grade year. That's the year I discovered Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Superfudge, Ramona books especially Ramona Quimby, Age 8....They were so great and I just couldn't get enough of them! There were a few years that I really didn't care about reading in the least bit during high school when they expected us to read lame books that I couldn't care less about but about a year after Brian and I were married I started reading The Work and the Glory series. 9 books! Huge books, too! LOVED them!!! I couldn't put them down. All of my chores in the house would pile up, I would force myself to eat occasionally and pee once in a great while (oh the bladder of a body that hasn't had 4 babies), I would stay awake all hours of the night. Sleep? Who needs sleep?! I'm READING!!! Ever since then I can't read enough books! I always have a library card in every city we have lived in. I've discovered some amazingly talented writers and have even read some classics. LOVED Anne of Green Gables when I read it 2 years ago. Such a wonderful book! My mom still feeds my love of reading by lending me the books she buys after she reads them! I've had a book on my nightstand ever since the week Buttercup came home from the hospital (3 1/2 months) and I am determined to finish it if it kills me! Great book but right now every time I pick it up it puts me to sleep. Morning..noon..night...doesn't matter, I sleep...I know some day I'll be able to start really reading again so I'm not too worried. I was SO excited when my 4th grader told me today that his teacher read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to his class last week. He has been a great reader and can't put a good book down once he starts reading it. I hope he always loves reading! I started thinking back on all my favorites. Such great memories! "Reading is the magic key to take you where you want to be."


Tara said...

I agree - there is nothing like a good book! The bad thing is that I can totally neglect the house, yard and kids when I start a new series...not so good! I just can't put them down! I love reading with my kids too. We are on the 4th book of the Indian in the cupboard series. The first one is So much better than the movie!

Emily said...

I so agree!!! I love to read. My kids have to read 30 minutes a day for school, they complain a lot, though. I hope it doesn't squash their love to read as well!!!!! Love a good book.