Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I love my job AND the people I work with!

I've been packing our stuff for our move. I'm pretty much a pro at this since this is our 15th move. I always pack the stuff we use least often first. I packed up my first 6 boxes before it occurred to me that I had just packed up all of my scrapbooking stuff, card making stuff, jewelry making stuff, and all of the books I want to read. It made me kind of sad for a minute that those were the things that are used the least at my house and then I remembered that all too soon I will have time to do all of those things because my hands won't be so busy with cooking and laundry and dishes and bottles and snuggling my baby and that will be kind of sad so I am feeling better about all of my fun hobbies collecting dust for a while. Pretty soon I will be able to find more time to do stuff like that a little here and a little there and that will do for now. In Feb. 2008 I was in such a funk as far as my feelings about my choice to be a stay at home mom and would tell my husband I loved the people I worked with but I HATED my job!!! I was feeling so overwhelmed and freaked out by the monotony of my life. All I did was clean and you could never tell I had done a thing because my boys would just go behind me and mess everything up as fast as I cleaned it up and I was totally losing it! I scrapbooked and made cards and watched my Gilmore Girls boxed set for a couple of weeks and pretty much ignored the house (which I paid for later) so I could feel like I was actually doing something I loved and I could feel more like I wasn't just a useless maid but still got to do stuff for me!!! Well, I am so happy to say that a year and a half later I am thrilled with my job AND I love the people I work with now!!! I love taking care of my children's needs and taking care of the house. I am still really frustrated by the kids destroying everything I accomplish but that's just part of it isn't it?! I discovered blogging shortly after that time in my life and it has really helped me a lot! As the kids get older those things get a little better and this too shall pass, which is good AND bad. I really want to savor every second of my kids lives! I have watched my little nieces and nephews grow up from little babies to be missionaries, spouses, and parents and I can't believe how quickly that time has passed. I don't want to look back on this time ever and wish I would have taken the time to enjoy the moments that are only here for a little while. In the past I often found myself living in the future. I would say well when this happens, then I'll be happy. When we have that then I'll be happy. Now I can say I am trying to be happy every day and to find joy in my life every day, which isn't very hard when I'm surrounded by these adorable children of mine that I love so much, that rely on me and depend on me and love me. I feel blessed most days and of course overwhelmed often but mostly blessed! I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for entrusting me with these little angel babies to raise and teach and love. I never wanted anything more out of life than that!


Emily said...

Ditto! It is funny how it takes so long to catch on that what we're doing is what we WANT to be doing!! I just had this revelation not so long ago, as well1!!! Good luck packing and moving!

Tara said...

Great post! Blake reminds me often that the messy house and dirty laundry are nothing more than job security for me! What will we do when the house stays clean for days on end? Then we'll complain that it's too quiet and clean.....