Wednesday, September 23, 2009


~I HAD to share the cuteness of my toes! My mom knows I LOVE it when this lady Meg paints my toes so she got me an appointment so I could have cute toes! So fun! Meg is amazing and start to finish it only takes like 10-15 minutes. I especially love the little red gems she put on each big toenail. So fun! I'll have to keep wearing flip flops until November so I can look at my cute toes!

~As we left Meg's house yesterday we saw a grasshopper. Louie said,"It's on the street so it's called a streethopper!" Cute

~I have learned something very important at church lately and I may be going to a very HOT place for this one but I simply can't help myself, so, here goes.....if you are an old lady and you don't like the size or shape of your lips, DON'T paint a new lip on your face that goes like half an inch above your actual lip! You aint foolin' no one, honey!!! If you're going for pretty lips-don't do it! However, if you're going for entertainment value-knock yourself right on out there toots! By the way, laughing.hysterically.quietly. in the middle of Sunday School is NOT easy!!! Bad, I know!
~I was packing up the toy room yesterday and the boys were playing "sQuat team"! Cracked me up!!
~I missed Bonnie Hunt this summer! I have caught a little of her show a couple of times while feeding Buttercup the last 2 weeks and I always have a good laugh! She's hilarious and I look forward to being moved so I can actually maybe sit down for full episodes once in a while.
~Louie kicked Dewey in the face. I asked him to come here. And he yells,"but I did it on accididn't."
~I LOVE this time of year! I love the cool, crisp air. The feel of fall. Looking at the beautiful colors of leaves on the trees as they change color before leaving the trees bare for the winter. I always crave apple pie and soup during the fall. The temperature is just perfect! It's just AWESOME!!! The last few years it has felt like it went straight from hot summer to cold winter without much of a fall so I'm totally LOVING it this year!!!
~Dewey is deathly allergic to peanuts so we are always telling the kids not to share drinks and food and to not kiss him if they've eaten peanuts. Louie had some peanut treats last night and Dewey wanted to hug him and Dewey said," but mom I had peanuts last night!" I said well, "that's ok, you can still hug him you don't have to kiss him." He says, "but they are still in my tummy." I guess he was afraid to touch him with his tummy because of the peanuts. Such a sweetie!


Berke and Cassy said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your toes! I wish I lived close to Meg so I could get mine done and the lip story is hilarious!Atleast church was entertaining!

Tara said...

VERY CUTE toes! So fun! I'm with Cassy - wish I lived by Meg too!!! And yes, the lipstick story had me laughing and wiping tears from my eyes! Love the way you think!

Denette said...

I want toes like that. Is it really expensive?

I love the lip story. I feel the same way about eyebrows. When you get older the less makeup looks better.

Melissa and Jessie said...

I am soooo in love with your toes it is rediculous. Wish I had that chika here!

Emily said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT TO MEG!!! I have been going there for like 2 years. Every three weeks is like Christmas. I <3 Meg!! Cute toes!!

Kale and Rowdy said...

Very cute nails! And I, too, have to comment on the lips. Poor old women. You think maybe their eyes are that bad? Or maybe they're really thinking no one will notice. Too bad we ALL do. And the eyebrows....less is more sometimes. :]

MathisFam said...

Love the toes!!! I need to have someone paint my toes cute like that! Your toes go quite well with the guy we found next to our house the other day!

Hillary said...

Hi, I was reading Emily's blog and saw a picture of my feet, so I clicked on it and it was you. I went to Meg today and got the same toes. Without the gems, they are too scratchy for me. You are a good picker.

The end.