Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Getting my "fix"!!!

~AAAAAHHHH....I feel better now! I'm finally at a computer for the first time since Friday. I'm a total addict so this has been kind of rough for me. Thank goodness for my free Blackberry I got when I renewed my contract with T-mobile or I would have been totally lost! I know...I need help!!!
~The kids went to their new school for the first time yesterday and I was so worried about them. I was worried they wouldn't make friends and would hate me forever. I was worried about Dewey since he has been attending half day kindergarten and this school has all day kindergarten and I was worried about how that was going to work out for him. I was worried because he's deathly allergic to nuts and is eating at school for the first time ever, where they have a peanut butter and jelly uncrustable as their alternate option EVERY SINGLE DAY! I talked with the lunch lady and his teacher and since they don't have a peanut free table like some schools do they are putting him at the end of the table in the same seat every day and the kindergarten lunch aide will make sure no one is sitting next to him who is eating peanut butter sandwiches(even if he gets touched by someone who has peanut butter on them he will AT LEAST break out in hives and if he accidentally ingests it his throat will swell shut and he will stop breathing and die unless they give him the epi pen I left in the office. Little frightening for this mommy!) THEY DID AWESOME!!!!!! Such a relief!!! I went to high school with and was friends with Huey's teacher. HOORAY!! He's a super nice guy and best of all.....HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN HOMEWORK!!!!!! BONUS!!!!!!! He only makes them do homework if they don't finish their work in class. LOVE IT!!! Huey also has his cousin in his class so that makes him feel much better! He already has a built in friend, someone to talk to, play with at recess, someone to make him feel comfortable and like he's not all alone in a brand new school in the 4th grade. Thank heavens for his cousin!!!!! Dewey had a super great, fun day and was so happy............until last night when he was laying in bed and decided he misses me too much when he's at school. How sweet is that?! This morning was really tough! Dewey thinks it is cruel and unusual punishment when I wake him up at 6:30 a.m.! His other school started at 9 a.m. and was 2 minutes away so he could sleep in until 8 but at this school he has to catch the bus at 7:35. This morning they rode the school bus to school for the first time EVER...SUPER BONUS!!!!!!!!! The bus driver is one of his other cousins' grandpa Randy. Also great because I know they know the bus driver and I know he's nice. WHEW!!! I feel so much better now!!!! (I lived across the street from my elementary school and never moved until high school so I am new to this whole bus thing and I am totally sure that I was the only one nervous about the bus! The boys were so stoked to ride it and Brian always rode the bus so he thinks I am a weirdo but whats new?!
~Buttercup is SO DREAMY!!!!! She has always slept at least 7-11 hours every night since she was born except for an occasional night where she'll need one or two feedings. I've worried about her adjusting to a new place and we decided to put her in her crib in our room instead of the bassinet so with the move and the different bed I was a little worried it would freak her out a little and screw up the perfect thing we had going. She is doing so well!!! She took a nap yesterday in her crib, she's still sleeping through the night, she is really happy and content (most of the time anyway, she is still a baby after all), she's like her brother Dewey and is a super easy eater (Huey had to have soy and ate every 2 hours round the clock for 14 months, Louie had reflux and projectile vomited up his formula all over the place all the time and was skinny and I worried about him all the time!!!) and I just LOVE her so much!!!!! She is the best little girl and has the sweetest, most adorable smile ever! I just can't get enough of her! She lights up when she sees me and thinks I'm pretty great and I am equally as smitten with her! She is such a joy! I feel with her like I did with my second child. Just relaxed, able to really thoroughly enjoy almost every moment, happy, confident as a mother. Easy babies are so great because you're not constantly worried and feeling guilt and inadequacy all the time even if you shouldn't feel that way. It's just been great! We all adore her and are having so much fun watching her every little accomplishment. This weekend while cleaning the house we moved out of she actually was on the floor long enough to not only roll to her tummy like always but also back over to her back again! HOORAY!! Such a cutie! She doesn't get a lot of floor time because Louie can't leave her alone on the floor and I'm afraid he'll love her to death! :) Anyhoo, it's going really well, and we are glad to have the move over and adjustments started. I just need to organize all of our stuff here and get Dewey to be happy about all day kindergarten and things will be even better! I hope you all have a great day!!!!


Tara said...

It sounds like this move is going to be a great one! Glad that everything seems to be falling into place! Three kids in school all day would be so nice! Take advantage of the time alone with your baby girl - it will fly by!

Ginger said...

Glad things are going well with the new schools and bus! Sometimes I think kids adjust better than adults!

Princess Hairstyles said...

I'm so jealous that teacher doesn't believe in homework! I don't believe in it either. Wanna trade?