Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where did all the letters go?

I remember when I was a little girl my grandma lived two states away and when I was being baptized she sent me a sweet little letter about the importance of baptism and expressed her love to me. I was on cloud 9! I remember getting birthday cards in the mail from my grandmas and that made me feel so special! I became pen pals with one of my favorite cousins, John, who also lived two states away and that was so much fun! His family even sent me a really cute shirt in the mail that said someone in their town loved me and I wore that thing until it fell apart! I also remember when we moved two states away from my hometown right before my junior year of high school that lots of my friends and family became pen pals and that really helped me through a very difficult time! I wrote to friends and family who served missions. I wrote to my grandmas. I totally got into decorating the envelopes really cute and I was really into stickers and would stick them all over the place too. Now my kids think a card in the mail from grandma is pure gold! The other day my mother-in-law received a letter from my nephew, her grandson, Jordan who is serving a mission. She was THRILLED!!! She read and reread his letter. He is quite a character and joked in it and she laughed and read it to us and we laughed and then she folded up the letter and sat it down and patted it and said how nice it is to be getting letters again like she used to get from her sons when they served missions. At that moment I suddenly became really sad! I thought of all the lonely grandmothers out there that don't have email or don't know how to text on a cell phone. I thought of the movie The Mailbox that my mom used to show us to motivate us (guilt us) to be better about thinking of our sweet little grandmas. I remembered how wonderful it is to receive a HANDWRITTEN letter from someone you love. Now the only time we get anything like that in the mail is at Christmas and a lot of people have stopped sending Christmas cards out. It's kind of sad I think! Today I'm going to write Jordan and I'm going to have my boys write to him too or draw a picture. I know it gets hard when you are a missionary or you are a military person or you are facing anything in your life that you need a little support and encouragement to help you along. And I also know that getting a letter from someone gives you a much needed boost and puts a big ol' smile on your face that stays there for a long time! I can't wait to get my first letter from him! It will be so fun to have an actual letter again! There's nothing like it! :)


Stan & Karen said...

I remember those days. I still have letters grandma kept that I wrote to her. It's fun to go back and read them. I miss them too.

Tara said...

I have to agree, there is something special about getting a handwritten note! Even with email, FB and blogs I don't think people take the time to put in their real feelings. They just rush to respond! And readers read and delete, before really thinking too much about what was said! I better pull out the stationary and take some time to communicate with those I love! Great idea for FHE!