Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Umm ExCUSE me light lady, we're not finished here thank you very much!!!

K, so last night Zack had a football game at the high school football field. This was only his second night game most of them are on Saturday morning. Well, he had to be there at 6:50 and his game started at 7:30.  It ended at 9:00. His team won so that was awesome! We had all 4 of our kids with us and it was an hour past their bedtime and we..were..DONE!!! We immediately stood up when the game was over and collected all our crap and shoved it in Gracie's stroller. Not sure what I'll do with all our crap when we outgrow the stroller. Anyhoo, not 3 minutes after the game ended the MORONIC light lady turned the lights off. Yeah! She just turned the lights off. Apparently once you turn hallogen lights off they won't come back on for like 30 minutes or so. LOVELY! My 4 year old son had gone down to the field to congratulate his big brother.  The coaches were conversing with their teams. Most of the little kids were playing on the track and their parents were in the stands. There were really old people there to watch their grandkids and great grandkids play. People were there with tiny babies and all their crap to carry. And all of a sudden it's mostly dark with just a tiny bit of light from a far away light in the parking lot. Of course we're on the grass bleachers way south. There were no openings to the stairs. Just a constant railing that you have to go over or under to get to the stairs by our car. So I hurried all the way over to where I thought I might be able to find my boys. Zack was on the stairs getting ready to head down our row and Max was still down at the bottom of the stairs TERRIFIED crying out for Zack so I yelled for him to follow my voice. Poor baby!!! It scared him to death! Then Zack says, oh I forgot my inhaler. NICE! So we stumble down the stairs, Zack fell at one point. We start trying to see a dark blue inhaler on dark grass in the dark and some how we can't find it. Go figure! I hear the head coach yelling that he can't even see if any of his kids are still on the field or if they had hooked up with their parents. An assistant coach saw us looking and tried to help but there was no way to see anything. He said that he saw a coach from the team that played before us pick up an inhaler. Great! Well, we gave up the pointless search and headed to the van. Meanwhile poor Brian had to put the stroller full of crap, Matthew, and Gracie over the railing, up the stairs, and in the car, in the dark. I was LIVID!!!  .Can you imagine all the things that could have happened with that many people scrambling to get out of dark stadium. So CRAZY!!! So, today I called the rec center and asked for the coach from the other team's name and number so I could ask about Zacky's inhaler. Then....I issued my complaint. The guy was so nice and concerned and apologetic. Apparently not only was she supposed to leave the light on but she was supposed to clean up the trash after everyone left too. The coach dude said one of his kids DID get an inhaler and he'd call the mom just to be sure it was his. He calls back and says that the kid realized it wasn't his and dropped it on the grass on the field. Seriously?! So, the kids and I head to the field to look for the inhaler (which by the way the bleachers and field were covered in garbage) and can't find it anywhere. We talked to the secretary at the school and she said the coach dude had just been there looking. How nice was that! She paged about it and said she'd repeat the page in the morning and took my name and number and email address. When I was almost home she called me and told me that a student told her that it had been turned in to the rec center. WHEW!!! So relieved!!! Inhalers are expensive!!! I just had to share this super fun experience with you all. I'm glad we live in a small town and all the running around wasn't as bad as it could have been! Isn't it amazing the affect that ONE crazy light lady can have on so many people. I wonder what other stories there were to tell from the situation. Crazy light lady!!!

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