Sunday, September 19, 2010

A calling and show and tell...

A Calling

I have served in Nursery and Sunbeams and other Primary callings for the better part of the past 15 years. I LOVE Primary! It is awesome! Exhausting! But awesome!!! However, this part of my life has become much like most other parts of my life. Rather monotonous and repetitive. The Relief Society president in our ward asked me a few weeks ago if I had received my new calling yet. I said, no. She said she wanted me in Relief Society but someone else had already requested me. I have been SO nervous ever since then wondering what my new calling would be. Honestly, just the mere thought of serving in Nursery or Sunbeams again brought tears to my eyes. Brian and I taught Max in Nursery and in Sunbeams and he is still in Sunbeams. Max is the child that causes me the most stress and frustration these days for many reasons, one main reason being the fact that he almost NEVER listens to me. You might imagine how much fun it is for me to be his Primary teacher. When the member of the Bishopric called me in FINALLY on Wednesday I could hardly stand the suspense. I was dieing to know what my calling was. I was THRILLED when he said they wanted me to be the 2nd counselor in the Young Women's presidency!!! This is EXACTLY what I need right now in so many ways. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father's guidance and direction in my life. I have been thrilled ever since Wednesday and look forward to all the fun activities and getting to know the wonderful young women in our ward. I am more than just a little bit scared. As I mentioned it has been 15 years since I served in Young Women and my life has revolved around little boys for the last 10 years so I'm scared but also thrilled. If you have seen Groundhog Day the movie, the day he finally wakes up and realizes that something is different he is like ANYTHING different is good. That is how I am feeling. It is like FINALLY... SOMETHING in my life is different!!! I am really, really excited for this change and just really, really happy. I haven't been this excited about a calling since I was in the Primary presidency in Cedar. Once again it was different than teaching nursery or Sunbeams but so much fun and I LOVED that, too! The Young Women's president is AMAZING so I am beyond thrilled to be working with her too!!! I was so anxious to be set apart after church today. I have such a strong testimony of being set apart for your callings. What a wonderful gift the priesthood is in so many aspects of our lives!!! Anyway, I think it will be great fun!

Show and Tell

Sewing usually really hates my guts! I have tried to like it many, many times and always come to the same conclusion...I HATE IT!!! Well, I've been really wanting some sort of hobby lately. Some sort of creative outlet for me. Scrap booking doesn't really work for me at this time in my life. I just don't have the space for it. I decided to try sewing again. I bought the fabric to make Gracie a quilt last year around the time she was born. I started to sew it together but we moved and I never finished it. Well, my first project was to finish sewing that together. I only finished the top. I need to get more fabric to make it a bit bigger and I need to buy fabric for the back. She won't be in a big girl bed for quite some time so that project will be on hold for a while. The top's cute though. :)  I made a quilt for my sister, Stephanie's baby, Emily. Yes, she's 6 months old but better late than never, right?  :)  I totally loved it! It's very bright and a bit crazy but I like it. I finished another baby quilt yesterday. I fell in love with the fabrics Tara B. used in her quilt she recently posted about. I HAD to use a couple of them. It is the CUTEST fabric!!! I'm not very good at sewing so there are tons of mistakes but oh well. Practice makes perfect. I'll just have to keep practicing!!! I had been promising Brian I would make him a denim quilt for about 15 years or so. I had saved the old jeans and we have lugged them around every time we have moved. I bought 2 bolts of flannel about 10 years ago for $1 a yard. I decided to finally break down and make his quilt. It turned out great and I was pleasantly surprised that my sewing machine had such an easy time sewing denim. I tried to avoid using the parts of the jeans that had big seams just in case so it made it easy. I wanted to buy Gracie a purse for her birthday in May but couldn't find one. I started thinking about some of the bags I've owned in the past and decided to just try to make up a pattern and go for it using the scraps from Emily's quilt. It turned out really cute and it was so easy to make. I can't find it right now to post a picture of it so I'll post a picture later.  Matthew's teacher sent home canvas bags for the parents to decorate with whatever subject the kids wanted us to and then we send them back and he uses them to put things in that pertain to that subject. I made up a dinosaur themed bag. He'll put puzzles, books, games, stuff like that and then the kids get to bring them home sometimes for a couple days. Well, I decided it turned out cute enough that I would make one for Steph's son, Josh's bday in October. He LoVeS dinosaurs!!! I had decided to make Matthew and Max each a little bag for church. They had chosen some fabric from my scrap box. After I made the ones for the school and Josh, Max wants one like theirs now but Matty still wanted the one out of scrap material and canvas letters. I haven't made Max's yet. I have been having so much fun sewing stuff and haven't had to spend money because luckily I am a HUGE procrastinator and have enough unfinished projects laying around to keep me pretty busy.

Gracie's quilt top...

Baby Emily's quilt...

The other quilt I made...

Brian's queen size denim quilt FINALLY...

Matty's class bag

Josh's bag. I forgot to put something inside the bag to keep the paint from leaking through so I had to add a tree to the other side to cover up the paint. I'm a spaz sometimes haha...

Matty's bag...


Tara said...

I am so excited for you! You will do a wonderful job with the YW in your ward! I'm getting a little burned out with primary too....but I don't want a change yet! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME sewing projects!!! I love them all - especially the middle hot pink quilt! To die for!!! You've been busy! I'm kind of in the sewing mood too - only I need to buy more fabric!!!!

Shani said...

Tara, how exciting!! I know you are just going to LOVE YW, I certainly do, it is definitely the funnest calling I've had, even though it requires the most work.
And your sewing projects are really GREAT!! I'm a little jealous, I need to get back to sewing again myself. (I've been spending way too much time reading lately):)