Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm good. It's all good!

So my phone has been on the fritz for 3 days now. I can text, receive texts, and I can receive phone calls and make phone calls. The problem is that I can hear people but they can't hear me. We never changed our phone number or service when we moved from Salem so we still have T-mobile. There aren't any T-mobile stores here so we have to wait until Friday when we go to Spanish Fork, to get my new sim card. Apparently mine malfunctioned. Yesterday's craziness (read last nights post for more info) was even crazier without my phone. I had to run to Brian's office for a few minutes to call the rec center, the coach, and to make an appointment with Dr. Bailey since my tooth was killing me. Then, when the secretary from the high school called me to tell me she knew where it was she had to just tell me but I couldn't thank her. Thankfully she understood since I had explained my situation to her. Well....this morning gave me a heart attack!!! Matty is going on his first field trip of the school year with his new teacher this morning. We discussed his peanut allergy and epipen needs the week before school started but I don't think we talked about field trips. I start panicking! Especially since they are sending all the students with peanut butter munch-ables from the lunchroom for their lunches except Matty and the other boy in his class this year who is also allergic to peanut butter or if you just planned on sending them their own lunch. I can't call the office to ask the secretary to PLEASE remind the teacher to take his epipen. We shut Brian's phone off a couple weeks ago since we couldn't afford it so I couldn't text him to call. We don't have a home phone because our local phone service is ridiculously expensive to hook up and have!! Thank goodness for instant messaging on the computer! I messaged him and thankfully he got the message and called the school right away.  She was very helpful and promised she would tell the teacher right away. I was so relieved!!!  PHONES ARE NECESSITIES!! I've gotta have one! How did we ever survive before cell phones?! Really! I can go without a lot of things in life but contact with the outside world is not one of them. Phones and internet are NECESSITIES!!! I can live without cable. I can  live without eating out (it's difficult but I do it!!!). I can actually live without a lot of things but phones and internet are just too important in my life, I've realized! Not for frivolity but for NECESSITY!!!


Tara said...

I'm right there with you! Whenever I think of places to cut back and save money I just can't give up the internet....although I do only have a trac phone, but it works for as often as I use it. I laughed at your light story - what a nightmare! I'm sure you weren't the only one that complained! Crazy lady!

Ginger said...

I agree! Phones and Internet are so important. It's how I communicate with my family and friends. It's how I keep in touch with people. I'd be pretty lonely if I didn't have them.