Sunday, September 5, 2010

A great quote...

In Relief Society today there was a quote on the board that is by Elder Samuelson that was WONDERFUL!!! Just thought I'd share.

"Worthiness and perfection are NOT synonyms."   

The lesson was about how we are just too hard on ourselves. Our teacher was talking about how we often tend to look at ourselves as satan and the world want us to look at ourselves. Like we aren't good enough, we aren't skinny enough, we aren't good enough mothers, we aren't good at this or that. Like we aren't worthy. She was saying that we should, instead, look at ourselves as the Savior looks at us. We don't have to be perfect at everything and in every way but we just need to do our best to be good and faithful and not let the negativity of the world come through.

So I say, pat yourselves on the back...feel like a beautiful daughter of find joy in the ride.

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