Sunday, September 5, 2010


Living on the outskirts of town is kind of nice in some ways and really annoying in others. The kids love catching lizards, trying to catch the cute little bunnies that hop through our yard daily, watching the horse in the neighbors yard, the openness of our back yard area, and I love the beautiful view of sunrises and sunsets.
waking up from a dead sleep every couple of weeks by the unbelievably strong stench of skunkiness is NOT my idea of a good time!!!  It smells like the stinkin thing is right in our bedroom. It doesn't just spray and go on it's merry way. Oh, no! It sprays...and sprays...and sprays...for AT LEAST an hour. Sometimes HOURS!!!  It will start to subside, just a bit, to where you can breathe through the stench and then it sprays again. Sometimes it happens at around midnight. Other times around 2 a.m.. This morning he waited until about 5:30. Seriously NOT cool!!!  Anyone up for some target practice???

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