Friday, January 7, 2011

A few of my favorite things...

So a couple weeks ago I took some pics of my favorite decorations around our house and I was going to post them on my blog but completely forgot until I was checking out blogs today and one of the blogs I follow had a post with all of their fun decorations on it. So now that I goes...I don't have a lot of fancy stuff and my camera bites and I'm not so good at using it anyway but whatever!
This little star was my Grandma Hazel's ornament she used to hang on her tree. I have another like it that is just white. I LOVE to see these ornaments when I'm decorating the tree and throughout the month. It makes me think of her and I miss her so much! And my other grandmothers too!
Zacky's little first 5 years Hallmark ornaments.
Matthew and Max both had the same little set for their first 5 ornaments.
Gracie's first 2 ornaments.

Mickey Mouse of course!!!
This is not how we hung these I just squashed them all together to take the picture of all the ornaments we've made the past few years. 2 years in a row we made mittens then last year we made snowflakes, and this year we made stars. The kids got really creative this year and last year their snowflakes were rainbow colors and covered in glitter. It is a fun part of our Christmas celebrations now. I just googled salt dough ornaments and used a recipe that popped up. I think they are really fun!!! And a little old fashioned which I like!

When my Dad was alive he would send us a hand carved and hand painted Santa ornament. I looked forward to getting these in the mail every year and cherish them! I love hanging them on the tree and thinking of him and including him in our Christmas celebration in this small way each year. They are hung as high on the tree as I can hang them for safety purposes of course! This one is my most favorite one!!  

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