Friday, January 28, 2011

The difference between a man and a woman...

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and the conclusion that I finally have come to is that men's lives are finishable. What I mean is, typically they go to work at a certain time. Their meals are eaten at basically the same time each day. Their tasks at work involve steps that, if followed, lead to actual completion of said task. When Brian worked construction, masonry, he had a visual reminder of the progress he had made that day and eventually the job would be completed and he would move on to the next job and never look back except to admire the beauty of a job well done! He is an accountant now and he has different tasks to perform. He must finish some, each day, others, each week, often they are only completed each month, and there are some that need attention only once a year or longer. But no matter what, he, at some point, finishes them. No one comes along and destroys what he has done. It's complete! He comes home at the same time each day and leaves his work behind until the next day or until the weekend is over. When he's home he gets the "honey-do list" and he will usually help me out with whatever I specifically ask him to. But if he wants to watch a TV show or a movie he can do that with no thoughts of anything that needs to be done around him. He is "done" for the night or whatever and can truly relax and enjoy the show. I know a lot of men's jobs are different than that. They are on call, or they work in varying positions that have varying hours or whatever but the main point I am trying to make is that at some point, most of them can feel like their job is "complete" and they can TRULY relax.

Women, however, live a completely different existence. Especially mothers with more than one child. Whether you work outside the home or not, basically your home life experience is the same. You start the day going a million miles an hour. You are lucky to eat whenever you finally get a sec to do that or, when your body finally threatens to revolt if you don't feed it, whichever comes first. This is true with breakfast and lunch and in a lot of cases, dinner, depending on how many sports and extracurricular activities your children are involved in, the varying ages of your children and the different levels of attention they require, whether or not you have a tiny baby to feed at their command, if you have an out of the home job or 2 in addition to your mom job that keeps you hopping from one place to another all the time and you wonder if that next meal is ever going to come, which calling you happen to have at the time among other variables to your life's equation. It's a given that dishes and laundry are just never going to be "finished". As soon as you finish vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, or picking up things you can bet money that someone is going to mess that all up at some point, usually sooner than later. You work from sun up to sun down and at the end of the day you finally melt into the couch, exhausted and look around the house and realize that there is absolutely no proof that you have done anything all day because it all needs to be done again, tomorrow. You sit there, feeling defeated, half watching the TV as you make a mental list of all the zillions of things that need to be done tomorrow. You get up during each commercial to switch loads of laundry, straighten up, add something to your calendar you are worried you'll forget, check on the kids, on and on it goes. Then you somehow muster up the energy to fold some laundry during the show, because....what woman can ever, truly, RELAX!!!!  Seriously!!! It's impossible. Our minds are always going. Always thinking of something we need to do. Planning something for someone or something. 'Complete' and 'finished' are rarely part of our vocabulary. This is why we all love scrapbooking, reading, sewing, needle work, crocheting, card making, crafting, creating, whatever it is you like to do on the RARE occurrence that you get the chance! When else do we ever get the chance to really, truly get something finished that will stay finished.

So...this is the difference. This is why when he is sitting on the couch completely enthralled in this show and is completely relaxed, without a care in the world...YOU WANT TO SMACK HIM!!! OR SCREAM!!!  We all just want him to see that there is a load of towels that you folded but you are too exhausted to put them away. We don't want him to step over them, or slide the basket out of his way, or use it as an ottoman, we want him to PUT...THEM...AWAY!!!

Or is it just me????

1 comment:

Denette said...

Yep!! I just sometimes think he should notice that I am folding clothes and he is not. We are both sitting on the couch and watching the same program, but I end up doing it alone unless I speak up and tell the whole family they have to help. I guess I think they all should read my mind.