Saturday, October 24, 2009

We took him off of the Tamiflu. We're just praying he does ok without it!!! He had his last dose at dinner last night. Then we saw the news where we found out about Tamiflu. Other than acting INCREDIBLY strangely when he got his dose of albuterol this morning he's been fine so far. Apparently Tamiflu has strange reactions to interactions with other medication so once its out of his system we think he'll be fine! I just hope he doesn't get viral pneumonia!!! My 3 year old has the flu now but so far its more mild like our oldest sons bout with it. Baby and I are the only ones who haven't had it. I hope she doesn't get it! Too scary!!!


Kale and Rowdy said...

That does not sound fun at all! I hope he recovers quickly! My poor little kiddos have had two rounds of flu in the last two months, so I totally feel you. Good luck with everything! And here's to hoping your baby stays well. (by the way, Callum got it and he was the least sick of all my kids--his fever lingered for days, but it was low)

Tara said...

Glad to hear he's doing okay. Did you have to start him on a different antibiotic? I'm still crossing my fingers that it passes by us, but all four kids have a cough today...I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Yesterday I was floored that walmart was completely out of children's tylenol and motrin. Empty shelves! I decided I would stock up, since the kids seem to fever at the worst time ever when I can't get to the store and I run out, My sisters walmart was completely out too.....wondering if it's just conincidence or what.
Good luck - hope it passes quickly and skips you and baby all together!