Monday, October 19, 2009


My 3 year old "Louie" is such a handful!!! I couldn't begin to tell you all of the crazy things he has done in his little life! With his brothers Huey and Dewey I could tell what they were thinking just by looking at their faces. I could see what their next move was going to be and stop them before they could get into too much trouble. Most of the time anyway. Well, Louie is like nothing I've ever seen before in my entire life!!! Since we have lived with my mother in law since September 26th he has been at the top of his game! I am afraid she is going to get so tired of his destruction she'll kick us out! He broke a glass door on her book case that she has had for years and years, thankfully not cutting himself but gee thanks we could not have possibly thought of a better way to spend money than to pay to have this door fixed! He has clogged toilets, written on her garage floor with sidewalk chalk, written on her kitchen floor (that is now just concrete since the linoleum is now gone as they are prepping the floor for tile) with a black sharpie. He broke a plate one day. He put stuffed animals and metal lids in Dewey's fish tank he got for his birthday and killed all the fish. He started to poop in the backyard but was caught too soon THANK GOODNESS!!! I could go on and on and on!!! Well, tonight after dinner we were all in the family room visiting and watching t.v. when I heard an unidentifiable noise and asked Brian to investigate since I was feeding Buttercup a bottle and he was just "innocently"going to the bathroom. Not 5 minutes later it was discovered that he had removed one of the hinges off of a door frame with a screw driver (the one just above his eye level). YES!!! HE'S 3!!! WHAT......THE........CRAP!!! And people wonder why I'm CRAZY!!! I have to try to think like HE DOES vain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian's mom jokingly asked if we have ever considered a cage. Then she said of course he'd probably just take all the hinges off and escape anyway! At least he makes us laugh too!!!


Ginger said...

Holy cow! I thought my kids were crazy! How do you keep up? I'm still laughing, but it's not funny!!

Melissa and Jessie said...

Ok so this is for like 2 posts ago, but you crack me up! We should just go shopping whenever I come out to Utah, and then you can have a girls opinion (no offence Brian). Anyway, I think you do ok on your own, you are adorable! Love and miss ya!

Tara said...

Just remind yourself that someday you are going to praise him for his creativity!! What a kid! I'm afraid that's where I'm headed with Bron! It scares me!

JJ and Stephanie said...

Sorry this made me laugh to hard. Ofcourse I know I may not be that far behind with Josh! But whooaa he is one very busy little dude. With Matthew in Kindergarten all day it looks like he is finding new things to do all on his own.