Sunday, October 11, 2009

More rambling...

~I have noticed that a lot of people in our new little town have the Kate from John and Kate Plus 8 haircut. They vary in length and color and such but basically the same haircut. Some of the people look SO cute. Others look SO weird! And still others must have cut their own hair and look very, very BAD!!! Many of them look like boys I must say. I've decided that that particular haircut, like all haircuts, looks really good on some people and not so good on others. Halle Berry can pull off a haircut that is basically bald but most of us just can't, you know. My mom's hair is similar to the "Kate" cut and she looks so cute and always fixes it so cute and is pretty so she can pull it off really well. Others, however, are just not so lucky.
~It is sometimes really, really hard for me to focus at church on what the people are speaking about when I have my referee hat on trying to keep my 3 boys from killing each other right there in the middle of church. It is even harder to focus on what they are saying when I notice little things about people like the fact that the chickadee in front of me today had OBVIOUSLY colored her own hair since it looked like she was a calico cat. Also, there was a man there that I graduated high school with that all the girls thought was really cute and he is like pretty big now (so am I, I know!!! I'm just sayin) and has a lot of gray hair now and he looks really old. Older than Brian. That is OLD! hehehe I know I'm probably going to H...E...double hockey sticks for not paying better attention to what I should be but it's really hard for me sometimes. Do you think I have A.D.D.?
~I love living in a small town again! Here are some of the reasons why...Brian comes home for lunch every day. -It only takes like 5 minutes to get anywhere in town.- I can drive to WalMart, shop at WalMart, and drive home from WalMart in the time it used to take me just to drive to and from WalMart. -I almost always see someone I know when I go to a store here. -I filled my tank up a week ago Saturday and I still have half a tank. Doin a dance!!! LOVE it so much!!! Hated having to fill the car up at least once or twice a week!-I get to shop online again. Not that I couldn't before it's just that I didn't do it so much when I lived up there. I love, love, love, getting boxes in the mail!!!! -I don't feel so bad when I have to run an errand and I don't look like I just stepped out of a magazine. Not that people look like crap here or anything (well not everyone anyway) they just look realistic. You know. I swear where I lived before people were always wearing 4 inch heals to the store and stuff. -Brian, his mom, and I went to lunch with our son at his school as a belated birthday lunch during Brian's lunch break the other day. I used to have to drive an hour each way if I wanted to have lunch with Brian where we lived before. So nice! -When I think I'm running late I'm still usually at least 5 minutes early because I keep forgetting it only takes 5 minutes to get anywhere. -Give me a few weeks and I'll probably have a "Things I hate about living in a small town" list but for now I'm enjoying it!
~Halloween is the coolest! I just love it! I love the decorations, the candy, the treats, the scary movies, the scary music, and the fun the kids have with dressing up!
~I don't know what this "lick my lollipop" thing is on facebook but it creeps me out! Especially when someone sends this request to my HUSBAND!!!! Not cool!!!!!!!!!! DELETED....IMMEDIATELY from friends list!!!!!!!
~I'm pretty boring these days can you tell?! Just me. Taking care of the kids. Doin' laundry. Washing millions of bottles. Changing millions of diapers. Running errands. Cooking. Cleaning. And thinking I really should get out more. And I don't mean to WalMart! OOOPS! I forgot...that's all there is here...WalMart...that will probably be at the top of the "things I hate about living in a small town" list!!!!


Kale and Rowdy said...

I LOVE your reference to the "Kate" hairdo. My small town also has an ABUNDANCE of girls sporting this 'do. And it doesn't look good on most of them. But here they inevitably dye the bottom layer black and bleach out the top. If you're already sporting a backward mullet, you really shouldn't chance much more, you know? (this coming from the girl who once sported purple streaks in her bleached out hair. but i grew up.)

Tara said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You make me laugh! Now I'm wondering who this "old-looking fat man" that we went to HS with is?!?! Who, Who??? And, I love your ADD in church - I have the same problem!! Afraid I'm one of them sporting the bad haircut - I just gave myself a nice bathroom hack job! And, I've never thought of the bad dye job as a calico cat look, but it so adds up! ***Laughing again!*** Ahhhh, needed a reality laugh so badly - thanks!!! :)

Berke and Cassy said...

I LOVE your ramblings!!! I can't wait for more!

Denette said...

You know you have to tell!!! Just e-mail...... WHO?

Shani said...

K, Tara...3 of us now want to know!!! Maybe you could just post it on FB, that would be funny!!
Your ramblings are so funny, thanks for sharing them.

Stan & Karen said...

Thanks for the nice things you said about my hair. I am still not sure how I feel about it and I have had it for over a year. It is so easy and fast to fix and no perm so it saves money. Maybe that's why everyone is getting it. Anyway it was fun to read your ramblings, like everyone else it gave me a laugh.

JJ and Stephanie said...

This made me laugh. Kinda made me miss Price a little:) I know what your saying about the high heels. But maybe I'm just jealous I still can't walk in the darn things!