Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hooray!!! I found the floor!!!!

My kids were so incredibly helpful when we moved in here.  They were so excited to see all of their toys that had been in storage for 8 months and they couldn't contain the excitement!  I begged, pleaded, commanded them not to unload boxes.  I have a system that works really well for me and I wanted to follow it the way I have followed it each of the 16 times we have moved.  Of course, they didn't listen. They unloaded box after box of everything imaginable looking for their beloved toys.  There was crap strung everywhere!!!  As if unpacking, organizing, D.I. piling with 4 kids, baseball and soccer season, summer break, no dishwasher with 6 people and making 3 at home meals a day, a clingy, confused 1 year old who also got an ear infection and has been getting molars wasn't challenging enough!  Now you add crap strung everywhere to the mix and it was bad!  Very, very...bad!  You know how when you move it's best to have a place where you can pile all the boxes and such so that you can kind of gradually unload one box at a time and have some organization to the madness.  In Salem we used the garage as this area.  Here we don't have a garage and apparently we live in a wind tunnel these days so we can't leave anything out on the carport so we just had to make due with having random piles of boxes strewn throughout the house.  My favorite!!  Well the dining room became the biggest area of craziness.  Tons of boxes were being stored there.  The kids unloaded the most crap there.  It was a danger zone!!!  Early last week I found the table.  It was so exciting!  We were having our first corn on the cob of the season and you have to have a table for corn on the cob!  Yesterday I actually found the floor of the rest of the dining room.  I have widdled it down to like 10 boxes in that room and they are stacked neatly to one side and I could even vacuum the wonderful, ugly carpet!  I feel like a new woman!!!  I have been telling Brian that I think those horders on t.v. just moved during baseball and soccer season and just never found the time to finally get the last of their crap unpacked and then life happened and it just got worse and worse until their houses just became a mess of junk they never had time to get to.  I can't handle living in clutter and mess.  We always live in places that are too small for us and it's hard to keep up with them but I HATE living in disorder!  I am a perfectionist!  I absolutely LOVE organization!!!  So living in a crazy mess in a basement for 8 months was just TOO much and the slow process this organizing, unpacking thing has been here was just about to put me over the edge!!!  But I found the floor!!!!! I.found.the.floor!!!  I feel so much better now!  I don't feel like those crazy horders anymore!!! It's awesome!!!!   I like our house more and more each day! I LoVe the feeling of US that we have here!  Sure cosmetically there are some kind of crazy things. For instance, there are holes in the ugly green carpet and your knees touch the bathroom cabinet when you're on the throne, and the 90 year old kitchen carpet made me want to hurl but you have to look at the positive things.  If we have a stomach virus where it's coming from both ends we're set!  Grosse I know!  And luckily we have a huge carpet remnant that we used in Salem that covers most of the floor in the kitchen so I don't have to be grossed out constantly over that!  The front yard is great!  The size of the living room is great! The ward is great!  The huge 2 car carport is great!  Having storage space in the cellar is great so we don't have to rent a storage unit. It really is a great little place for our little family.  Like Brian said,"If love grows best in little houses, we're really going to love each other!!!"

1 comment:

Tara said...

Glad things are coming together and you are getting settled!!! I agree - there is nothing worse than moving (especially with kids and their junk)! I'll be glad that we've only moved six times - I can't even imagine doing it 16 times! WOW!