Saturday, June 12, 2010


~It seems the older I get the better it feels to crawl into my bed at night.  When I was a kid I HATED crawling into my bed when the sheets are cold.  Now I LOVE how that feels!   It soothes my aching knees and the muscles in my legs. It's the BEST!!!
~Today is Zack's last baseball game of the season.  His coach (Andy) is so awesome!  He's wonderful with the boys.  The game the other night was intense.  This was a rival team and the coach and team REALLY wanted the win bad!!! The coach isn't usually driven by that but this game was different.  They tied and had to play an inning in overtime.  INTENSE!!  Zack's team won by 3 points!!!  I have no idea what Andy said to the team during the game but he is usually really positive with them no matter what but apparently he said something he wasn't feeling good about because he apologized to the kids and was so great with them.  I was so glad to have heard that because it just made me even happier that he was our boys coach.  We were already so impressed with him after the coach Zack had last year.  Sure, they took 2nd in the division and made it to the state tournament so he was a "good coach".  But he was such a jerk to the boys and especially his son.  His poor son (the pitcher) SOBBED for at least 15 minutes after they were eliminated in the state tournament.  I looked at that poor boy, with the weight of the world on his poor little shoulders, and realized at that moment that I NEVER want to put that kind of pressure on my children with sports or anything else in this life.  Andy would NEVER do that to a child and I am so grateful Zack had such a great guy coaching him this year!  They are playing for 3rd place in the division today.  Last night was a fun skills competition and Zack's team won the "around the horn" event.  So fun!!! They had a BBQ with brats and burgers.  Course we were sweltering at the game on Thursday and it was in the 50s with strong wind and some rain last night.  Fun times!!  Zack's team has played 22 games since April and, as much fun as it has been wrestling a baby girl in the car most of the games because of cold, windy weather I am glad it is coming to an end.  It has been awesome watching him play and watching the team progress and everything but it will be nice to say goodbye to baseball season until next spring.  It won't be completely over until Max finishes tball and Matty finishes soccer at the end of the month but no more, 2 games a night, so that will be a relief!!!
~It's amazing how calming a priesthood blessing can be to the soul!!! It's just wonderful! I am so grateful that my husband honors his priesthood and can give us blessings when we need them!!!

1 comment:

MathisFam said...

Hey Tara. I haven't talked to you in such a long time. I haven't left comments on peoples blogs for so long because our internet barely worked. That is great that your sister-in-law doesn't have cancer. We just found out that Shawn's mom has cancer. That was not fun to have to tell Carson. Well we didn't say much other than Grandma was sick. Anyway I'll try to be better at leaving comments!!