Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A couple of thoughts...

>My apologies to everyone at my mom's church building Sunday who will probably get the stomach virus Gracie had.  She was just playing and normal and happy and then suddenly blew chunks all over the floor during Sacrament Meeting.   This falls under the "Least favorite motherhood moments" category of my life!!! We all have them!!!  Crazy how fast that came on.  Who knew!?! Matthew got it too. The rest of us are ticking time bombs...
>Gracie is in that super fun stage where she throws random things in the garbage all the time. Yesterday morning I was sitting at the computer and within 15 minutes she threw away her empty bottle, a set of toy keys, and one of her sandals. She just waltzed up to the garbage can and threw them away as if it was the most normal thing in the world.  Heaven only knows what she has thrown out when we weren't looking!

1 comment:

Kale and Rowdy said...

We are in the garbage stage too. It's cute, but I wonder what I haven't caught....tonight he tried to throw away his shirt. And a puking one year old is so NOT tons of fun. Hopefully it's a fast moving virus.