Monday, June 21, 2010

Facebook virus warning..

Most of you know that I am truly addicted to Facebook! It has been such a fun way to get in touch with old friends I had growing up in Dodge City, Kansas, and from high school in Utah. It has been super great catching up with some of my relatives that I haven't talked with for a long time.
I used to LOVE playing Farmville and Farm Town. It was so fun to play. Well, in January Brian got me a mini laptop for my birthday. It has been so much fun!! Well, I got a virus on it from Facebook. I also got a virus on our PC from Facebook.   They seemed to be a total loss until Brian was able to do some research on the internet using a different computer and found the instructions for restoring the computers. THANK GOODNESS IT WORKED!!! It seemed to happen when I was on Farmville but I wasn't sure. I continued to do Farmville and it happened AGAIN to our PC. I immediately stopped using Farmville and it seemed to be just fine for me to use Facebook. Well, one day I was opening an email from Facebook that was one of the comments that was made from someone else on a post that I had "liked". It immediately gave my computer a virus.  Yeah...a virus...from Facebook...through my EMAIL!!! Not a happy camper!!! My sister, Dana and her son, Anthony, and my brother in law Chris, have all contracted viruses from Facebook on their computers.Well, I just have such a hard time getting over this addiction so I continued to use Facebook. Last night I was just reading people's posts on Facebook and then exited it and I got the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death", which is usually irreversible and means your computer is just.plain.DEAD!! Well, I immediately turned off the computer and some how it didn't kill my computer. It some how stopped the virus from completely attacking the hard drive. THANK HEAVENS!!! Well, I LOVE Facebook, but I also like actually having a computer that works so I can blog and surf the internet. I'm trying so hard to stay off of Facebook today so I don't take the chance of getting another virus. The withdrawals are tough but I'm sure eventually I will get over it...  :(    So long Facebook buddies! Thanks for the laughs, the tears, the fun! Thanks for the memories........

By the way:  We have virus protection.  AVG.  At the college they have the some of the best virus protection you can buy and an email was sent around a while back saying that the Facebook viruses had penetrated their system.  Apparently virus protection isn't a guarantee!!!


Stan & Karen said...

Do you have virus protection on your computer?

MathisFam said...

That totally sucks. My brother just got a virus from facebook too! I think I may be done on facebook now too!!