Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beautiful things...

-So yesterday we splurged and took the kids to the matinee showing of Toy Story 3. It was so good!!! We all just love the Toy Story movies and I was a bit nervous that the 3rd wouldn't be as good as the rest but it was so great!  I'm such a bawl baby that I cried.  Everyone knows the premise of the movie is that Andy grows up and goes to college and the toys are donated to a daycare. Well, it made me really sad to think about my own boys growing up and going to college and not needing their toys anymore. Their toys drive me crazy! They have TOO MANY and I just can't stand all the clutter that goes along with all of those toys. I've been taking a lot of them to D.I. these last weeks and feel like I need to take even more! After watching Toy Story 3 I have a new perspective on the toys. I still need to get rid of more of them but they are a really wonderful part of the kids' childhoods. Another thing I should just enjoy while it lasts!!!
-It's been so wonderful to be in our own home again and to feel more relaxed with the kids and get back to just being US! It's amazing how much different the family unit works when you have your own place to relax and enjoy each other! Our kids are the best and I am so happy to be their mom! They bring me so much joy and happiness! I love feeling like I can slow down and take the time to notice their individual personalities and gifts and what brings them joy. It's so fun to be able to laugh at their cuteness and just breathe easier and not have to worry so much! Freedom and space and boys and babies and motherhood are BEAUTIFUL things!!! 
-Happy Father's Day to the wonderful dads in my life. To my amazing husband who loves his kids so much and finds so much joy in them! It's fun to be living the parenting dream with such a great man! Each of our children has wrapped him around their little finger and Gracie is no different. Maybe wrapped the tightest yet!!! I have loved watching his interaction with our kids over these past 10 years! He has been so hands on and involved and wonderful! Our kids ADORE him and it makes me so happy to watch him with them! He's awesome and I love him! I also want to wish Stan and my brothers and brothers in law Happy Father's Day!!! It's a wonderful thing to watch the men I know as they father their beautiful children. They are so involved and nurturing and loving and kind.
Happy Father's Day, all!!!
You deserve a wonderful day!!!


Tara said...

Beautiful things indeed! I'm going to have to take my kids to the movies now. Blake took Brookie last week all by herself after she declared that she is almost six and hadn't been to a movie theater. What can I say - I love redbox! Just so much easier to watch a movie at home with kids.

Ginger said...

I'm glad to know there's a matinee of Toy Story 3 in Price. We'll be there this week and I'm just going to have to take them. They're dying to see it and there are no movie theatre's around us (they're being remodeled). We haven't been to the movies since we saw "Frog Princess" at the matinee in Price.