Saturday, June 16, 2012

An experience to treasure...

Thursday was our Stake Temple Baptism day. Zack just turned 12 in April so he got to go to the temple for the first time. I am so grateful to be serving in the Young Women's program right now so that I could be there to watch him have that experience. We went to the Manti Temple that day. As we were walking to the car to leave I reminded him that his dad and I were married in that very temple and told him which of his aunts and uncles had been married there as well. It is so surreal to attend the temple with my first born son almost 19 years after marrying Brian. Time flies by so quickly. I'm so glad for the little moments in life that you just know will stay with you forever. The things that were said. The way that you felt. Life has so many beautiful gifts to give us. They may not come in the form we "want" or think we "need" but if we just humble ourselves and think of how important those little moments really are. We will feel blessed beyond measure. We will remember what ReaLLy matters. And we will be ever so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father for giving us these experiences to treasure...

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