Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stuff. And stuff.

~Church was especially wonderful today. (Besides the guy picking his nose a few minutes before breaking the bread for the sacrament. Seriously disgusting! Lucky for us, we got a tray that was prepared by the other guy. Brian was watching to be sure. I'm sorry for the other people in the ward who got the booger bread. I was too afraid to stand up and demand he wash his hands or that someone else get up there in his place.) I've been kind of down lately. It was just nice to have some spiritual upliftment. The speakers in our ward and the teachers were really great. You know how sometimes you leave church kind of, weighed down by guilt. Instead of feeling recharged and more able to face the new week ahead with a new determination to be a better person, you feel like you must be the biggest sinner ever and that you are surely headed straight to hell. That's how I've been feeling lately. And then during the week it just festers and makes you feel worse and worse. Maybe I'm the only one that this happens to. Well, today I felt that, recharged, more able to feel the week thing. It was wonderful. I feel SO ready to face this week. SO much better! SO uplifted and spiritually fed. It was just really wonderful. Also, I love prayer! Isn't it such a beautiful gift from our Heavenly Father to be able to pray to him. Always. I just love it! ~More Gracie cuteness. She got a hoola hoop from the $1 store. She twirls it around and it falls to her feet and then she starts shaking her hips back and forth. SO cute. She loves to sing the clean up song when she cleans up. She says kean, kean up, ebody do theyer shayers. Cracks me up every time I hear it! She's in that super great phase where she thinks she has to go to the bathroom everywhere we go. I mean EVERYWHERE! And 9 times out of 10 she doesn't actually go when she's in there. But since the potty trained thing is still fairly new, you just HAVE to take her each time, no matter what, just in case. The other day though, we waited outside of the family bathroom at Walmart and this employee that I really like came out of the bathroom. Judging from the noises coming from that bathroom, I was not about to go in there. So we went to the other bathroom and the bathroom was full except for one and it was really gross. She was totally cool with not going and just waiting til we got home. I'm glad to know she has her standards. :) ~I really wish I needed to wear a formal dress somewhere. It would be so much fun to get all dolled up and have somewhere fun to go. You know, besides the $1 store and Walmart. :) ~We watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding today. It's such a cute little show.

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