Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yeah, right! In your ever lovin' dreams!!!!

So, I'm officially old and all. It's my 20 year high school class reunion in August. I already have trepedations about attending the reunion anyway because of things like:
~my fatness
~the cost of attending (especially the dinner...WOW 50 bucks a couple at the Country Club)
~my fatness
~not sure if any of my friends will attend anyway
~my fatness
~what if nobody even remembers who I am because I only attended school with them for 2 years since I       moved from Kansas just before my Junior year. That would be so humiliating!!!
~my fatness
~what if nobody recognizes me because of my fatness and all and even if they would remember me they just don't recognize me because I weigh like 100 lbs. more than I did in high school. (not quite but it sure feels that way!)
~and oh yeah, have I mentioned my fatness?!

Imagine the laughter that ensued as I read the schedule of events for the reunion and saw where they are planning to have us all meet at the pool that Saturday afternoon and swim....I honestly cannot think of anything more humiliating than showing off my flab-alanche, farmer tanned (mostly ghostly white), stretch marked from having 4 babies, 38 year-old, "booty"licious, boob hangin' low, body at the POOL at my HIGH SCHOOL class reunion!!!! WHAT can they POSSIBLY be thinking?! I know there isn't much to do here for entertainment but PUHLEASE! I'm thinkin' I'll take a big ol' pass on that one. Thanks anyhoo though! "major rolling of eyes"


Tara said...

The pool thing threw me off too! Forget about it - I'm skipping out and hiding at home! Really, we are out of town that week anyways....whew!
I don't think I could drop a quick 30+ lbs. fast enough - get a spray on tan, falsies, highlights, a tummy tuck - let alone laser those stretch marks quick enough to make a stunning debut at the public pool after 20 years of un-graceful aging. I'm not sure that I'm actually comfortable with myself fully dressed, let alone in my one piece faded swim suit with my traditional junky t-shirt and cut off knit shorts as cover-ups. NO THANK YOU!!

BTW - you don't need to worry about fatness. I for one think you look fabulous! Especially with your new hair!

Denette said...

Shane is out of town that weekend and I wasn't sure I wanted to venture out by myself. Even if Shane was in town I would be questioning it. Through blogging and FB I have connections with most of the people that I would like to see. Maybe I am a little socially backwards, but I don't look forward to the moments that you wonder why you are there. And yes the swimming thing was a no go for sure.