Friday, August 27, 2010


So, football season has begun for Zacky and we watched his second scrimmage last night. I have decided that I have extreme ADHD issues!! Sitting there for 2 1/2 hours(2 for the game 1/2 hour to warm up)  is like pure torture for me. It's like baseball season all over again. I LOVE watching him play and he looks so adorable in his little uniform. It's the sitting in the same spot for that long that gets me. I NEVER sit in the same spot for 2 1/2 hours besides church and that is extremely difficult!! Even when the kids or Brian talk me into a movie I get up to change loads of laundry or I paint my fingernails and toenails while I watch or plan my next grocery list and menu or something to keep me busy while I'm sitting. I read books when I can't sleep at night or when the kids aren't awake yet in the morning and then the rest of the day I'm running around like crazy trying to keep up with everyone and everything. So, sitting there for so long is just too much for me.

At Zack's first scrimmage we had no idea how long it would last. He had to be there at 5:00. We figured we would be home by 7:00 and we'd eat no later than 7:30. I loaded the kids full of snacks before we left the house so they would be fine until dinner and thought we were in great shape. We had no idea it was going to go until 7:30 and then we'd have to actually make the dinner which would make it at least 8:00 before we actually ate dinner. Well, you can imagine the complaining, moaning, and begging that poor Brian had to suffer through. And the kids were starved, TOO!!! Last night I was prepared with sandwiches, chips, fruit snacks, and yogurt sticks. Of course we had to eat in the car so none of the health food junkies glared at us for feeding our kids chips and stuff.

I want to be a supportive, wonderful mother that never misses a game and is always there to cheer her children on but I just don't know how much of this stuff I'm going to be able to endure. I mean, really. I have 3 sons and a daughter. This is just the beginning for me. Maybe I could take up cross stitch again or maybe I could learn how to knit or crochet. Then my hands would be busy and people might not think I'm as big of a jerk as they would if I whipped out my book and started reading it like I want to. What I really want to do is have Brian take ALL the kids with him to games and I could use the opportunity to have some alone time to clean, scrapbook or just enjoy some peace and quiet for a couple of hours. Maybe at least once this season he'll do that. I could live with once....

1 comment:

Ginger said...

That would be nice to have some alone time once in a while. I think we all need that.