Thursday, November 3, 2011

Here we go again...

Brian's last day at his job was Halloween. He's been applying places and had an interview, but hasn't found another job yet. When he lost his job before Gracie was born, he didn't have any warning or money and it freaked us out so much. We were truly blessed during that time and we were able to still have the things we needed. I just don't know if I have the strength and patience level and faith to endure this again. I know I don't have a choice because it is what it is and there isn't anything we can do to change it but it's just hard and life is just hard, isn't it. And yes, I know it could be worse. Much, much worse. But it's still hard...for me anyway. Maybe it wouldn't be for other people, I don't know. Anyhoo. I haven't posted for a long time so I just thought I'd just share what's been going on with us. I'm working a lot at Walmart/Hallmark. We've been tearing down the Halloween stuff and putting up Christmas stuff. It's been a lot of fun. We needed the money. And Brian's been home so he can watch Gracie. It's been nice to not have so much time to think about everything. Next week we'll be back to fewer hours but for now I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

1 comment:

JJ and Stephanie said...

We are praying he finds something soon!!!