Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MY littlest angel...

As many of you know, Brian lost a job 3 days before my sweet little Gracie was born. We have some rough times these past 2 1/2 years. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent me my sweet little angel! I simply adore her!!! I just don't know what I would have done without her and her preciousness! (Not sure that's a word)  With every passing day that Brian doesn't have a job, I feel a part of me slipping away. It's so hard to be anything but worried, stressed, sad, discouraged...My children give me strength! Gracie is home all day and she just brings me PURE joy! She's "everything I never knew I always wanted!" (I love that line! Matthew Perry's character's line in Fools Rush In)

Some of my favorite things she says...
~That'th AWETHOME!
~Gracie loves to see the moon. Last night we were outside and she saw the moon and gasped excitedly and put her hands over her mouth and said, ”Mommy! The moon is back!” ♥
~She'll tell us something that her brothers said and at the end she says, "Like dat". It is the cutest thing!

Also, I'm still LOVING Pinterest!! I have found so many cute craft ideas, recipes, and darling outfits that I want to copy! It's just so much fun!!! I'm truly addicted!   :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

I'm soooo glad you have little Gracie! She is a doll! Somehow the sun always comes out after the storm - hopefully your storm will pass quickly! Any new job offers yet? I've been wondering how you're doing! I still haven't had a chance to figure pinterest out yet. I just don't have time....