Saturday, April 16, 2011

A few random thoughts

~Life has been so crazy busy lately but nothing bloggable has really happened so I am at a total loss for what to blog about but I never go this long without blogging so I just had to say something so y'all know that I'm still around.

~I would like to give a shout out to my brother-in-law, Richard, who left Wednesday for his 4th tour of Iraq with the Army Green Beret's/Special Forces. I am so grateful for his willingness to serve his country! And I am so grateful to my sister and her kids for the sacrifice they are giving as well. It's not easy to have your husband or father gone from you for months on end to a scary place!!! Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with their family right now!!!

~Can you believe my Max is going to start kindergarten next school year. I have been looking forward to it quite frankly because he just needs that structure and interaction and mental stimulation. He is so smart and I have been so sick and it's been really hard to do what I know he needs. Thank goodness for preschool!!! He had kindergarten kickoff yesterday and it hit me how grown up he is and it made me sad. I can't believe my babies are growing so fast. My Zack will be 11 this month. How did that happen?! Matthew will be baptized and he'll begin the scouting program later this year. It just goes so fast! And my baby will be 2 in May. Wow did that fly by!!! I'm sure going to miss my Max when he goes to kindergarten but I'm happy for him!!! I know he'll LOVE it!!!

~So, I think we might have finally found the medicine combination that will work for me. For the past few days I've only had pain for a couple of hours in the evening when I need to take my medicine again. That has been fantastic! The medicine makes me really tired and kind of dopey but it helps the pain so that's a great thing! It's been a very busy week so it's been nice to have a couple of days without so much pain!!!

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