Monday, November 15, 2010

Great news!

I do have trigeminal neuralgia but for who knows what reason. They don't know. But it's not caused by a tumor or M.S. in my case thankfully!  Basically I will have excruciating pain the rest of my life because of a nerve in my head that for some reason has been causing me excruciating pain for about 3 years off and on and especially for the last year. I have to start taking anti-seizure medicine in an attempt to control the pain. I will have to take it the rest of my life. So, I know that this pain will not be easy to deal with as the doctor told me but I am just glad I don't have anything life threatening!!! This has been a very scary few days I must say! I just kept looking at my babies thinking how hard it would be to not be here to raise them and watch them grow. I am so grateful for my life and for the lives of my family! Among about a million thoughts I had during the past few days, I started thinking about all the things I wanted them to know about me if something were to happen to me. My testimony. Testimony building experiences I have had in my life. Little fun tidbits about me and my siblings and parents as I grew up and stuff. The things I like. The things I don't like. I wanted them to know the details of Brian and my courtship. EVERYTHING! I started realizing that my journal is very factual I guess you'd say. Like a travel log. I want them to know about me as if I was having a conversation with them telling them the stories and such. You can learn so much from other people's experiences, how they got through the challenges in their lives, and how the celebrated the great blessings in their lives. And I LoVe hearing stories from my parents and grandparents from their childhoods!!! I decided whether I was ok or not I wanted to start telling my story in a more meaningful way so that it is documented for them. I hope it will be fun for them to read some day. That my grandchildren will read it someday and enjoy it too. I wish my grandmothers and parents would have done this! One time Stan set up a video camera up in my Grandma Irvine's living room without her knowing it and got her talking about her life. She had such interesting stories to tell. Anyway, I think everyone should start a little history book about themselves for their posterity. I think Tara H. would especially love doing this and hers would be so clever and fun to read!!! Not just a journal where you sit down and write what happened that day. Get a big ol' 5 subject notebook and start writing about yourself. I started writing where I was born and on what day. Who my family members were when I was born. Then I just started writing about things like my parents divorcing when I was 1, my mom joining the church when I was 2, my mom meeting and marrying Stan when I was 3, my younger siblings' births, and then things just started to flow. Stories and tidbits my mom told me about that time. Things I remember from my childhood. Pals I had. It is rather random but it's written down anyway. I have written about my fear of drowning when I was baptized because I was so scared of the water and how I prayed really hard and can you imagine, I didn't drown! Or about times I received priesthood blessings or fun holiday memories and such. It is fun and I write it like I would tell it to someone else, dramatically and full of fun and silliness. It is just a fun project. You should try it! I even decorated my notebook really cute so it makes it even more fun to write in. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts! I appreciate it so much!!! So blessed!!!


Tara said...

Great news!! Sorry to hear about the trigeminal neuralgia, but like you said, that's something you can certainly deal with - hopefully treatment will help keep the pain under control so it doesn't bother you quite so bad. Love the idea about writing your life story. I've also started one about a year ago, but deviated from it for a while - I'll have to get back at it.
Cute, cute journal!! You are so creative!

Emily said...

Yay!! Good luck. I am always trying to think of creative ways to share things with my kids. To let them know the fun things I did and remember. I hope it's awesome!@

Kale and Rowdy said...

So good to hear you don't have to deal with anything too serious. Life's unexpected treats, right? They do help us to realize how many things we DO have going for us though. Hopefully the medicine helps A LOT. I always think about writing down my life story. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. I need a kick in the behind to get going on it. And you even made yours look cute!

Shani said...

So glad to hear that. I knew Heavenly Father had a miracle in store for you!