Monday, July 12, 2010

A bit of a dilemma...

So, we are all having allergy problems because of our dog. Zack and Matthew even have hives all over their faces and necks. Zack and I keep having to use our inhalers. We keep telling them not to let him lick them since we think that is causing the hives but telling our kids to not let a dog lick them is like telling them to not chew hard candy or to walk not run. IMPOSSIBLE!!! If we give him away it will break the kids' hearts but I just can't see living like this forever. We need an outside dog or one that is more hypoallergenic. We've given him 2 baths since Wednesday and it hasn't helped. Other than bothering our allergies and breathing, he has been such a sweet little dog!!! Our kids are going to hate us!!! Oh what to do to cushion the blow....


Denette said...

Bye, bye dog. I say your health is more important. Not easy though. Good luck.

Tara said...

I'd throw the dog out and buy the kids a new toy! If not you'll really pay double time when winter hits, and more sore throats set in on top of allergies that are already irritating everyone. Tell them it ran away....or that the old owners missed him too much....what ever it takes!