Friday, July 9, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For...

We (mostly Brian) have always wanted a dog. Our boys REALLY wanted one and have begged relentlessly for years for one. When we rented this house the realtor told us we could have a small dog or a cat which prompted an almost daily beg from the boys. Brian was listening to Barter Bar on the radio on Wednesday and heard about a little one year old Shih Tzu/Chiuaua mix for FREE!!! Well, we drove over right away and checked him out and in a moment of pure insanity I decided we could keep him. He's pretty cute. He reminds me more of a Terrier. I think of Eddie from Frazier. But he's not his mom is a Chiuaua and his dad is a Shih Tzu (or vice versa).

Gracie was positively TERRIFIED of him the first day but by the end of last night was chasing him around trying to "love" him. With 4 kids vying for his attention and showering him with "love and affection" (I guess that's what you'd call it) I have the same fear with him that I had with Max and Gracie when they were tiny babies...that he'll be loved to DEATH!!!
The kids have been so happy! Matthew and Zack have both at different times said, out of the blue..I can't believe we actually have a DOG!!! 

Zack even cleaned his room so the dog could come in there the first night. WOW! I've been trying to get him to do that for weeks! Once he cleaned half of it. Literally half. There was practically a line down the middle. It was pretty funny. 

The biggest problem we've faced so far is that he keeps running away constantly. We have a fenced front yard but he's small enough to squeeze through. We're working on it. He took off this morning and ran across the highway. Zack took off running after him...without looking...across the busy his parents heart attacks!!! Luckily there weren't any cars coming which is unusual! What a blessing! We explained to him that if that happens again he needs to just let the dog go because although the dog is important he is no where near as important as Zack is!!! Seriously...what was he thinking?! Zack was upset and scared and frustrated when he came back and said he hated the dog. He can't understand why he keeps running away even though Zack loves him so much. SAD! 

The thought of a dog is much better in a lot of ways than actually owning one. For me anyway. The best part for me is that he's house broken already and he is very sweet and loving!!! He is scraggly looking and we want to let his hair grow out for a bit and see how he looks. The owners had him chained up in their back, dirt yard, on a short chain and he was FILTHY and pretty neglected looking. He needed us I think! They had a child or grandchild that was allergic to him so they put him outside and decided to give him to someone who could care for him better and give him more attention. He's definitely getting attention!! His name is KuJo...we're changing it to Tex (Brian grew up in Texas and I think it's sweet and kind of manly).

We (again...mostly Brian) also wanted a yard. WHAT were we thinking?! We've managed to live only in apartment complexes or houses where the HOA fees covered lawn maintenance so we've never actually had to care for our own yard. We've experienced caring for a yard when we lived with Brian's mom in the past and mowed, weed eated, weeded, planted flowers in her HUGE yard. Our yard is tiny! Brian mows it in like 5 or 10 minutes. It's awesome!!!

 But the weeds!

 It's ridiculous! And there isn't a sprinkling system. But at least it's a yard and even though it's lots of work we are happy to have a nice place for the kids to play. We have already spent a small fortune between the weed eater, fertilizer, and weed killer. Thank heavens my sister KayTee and her husband Chris had an old lawn mower that only works part of the time so they bought a new one and gave us the old one. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL!!! There is NO way we could have afforded a lawn mower!!! Next spring we are planning to plant a nice little garden in the garden spot to the side of the yard (once again Brian's dream!!!)

It's kind of fun having added adult responsibilities of a dog and a yard.  Lots of work and patience but still enjoyable!!! 


Kale and Rowdy said...

Good luck with the dog and the yard. They are both a lot of work!

Tara said...'re a nice mom! My poor kids are traumatized because I've given 5 dogs, 2 birds, and 1 goat away. I hated them all! I have given in during the past few years though....and in my defense we've had the same outdoor dog for 7 years, 2 sheep, a cat, fish and hamsters. Worst part is that I keep wanting a tiny house dog lately...what is up with me??? Blake won't give in -- he's afraid I'll give it away after the kids get attached. Good luck with the new dog! At least he's potty trained (that's why I gave up on the other 5 dogs YUCK!!!)