Sunday, January 22, 2012


K, so, if you don't know what Pinterest is, I'd be so happy to introduce you to it!!! Say, you're blog surfing or you've Googled something and you just love what you see, you can Pin it on your Pinterest board. Other people can see it and they can Pin it. There is a search engine where you can search a particular subject, for instance; cute Valentine's Decorations. It will pull up Pins that other people have pinned on Pinterest and the ideas are so conveniently scattered on the screen so that you have access to gazillions of cute ideas, right there. Each idea just takes up like a couple of inches on the screen. No searching and searching and searching the internet to find something you just simply type in your topic and it brings up so many cool choices!! When you click on it, you can go to the original place it came from, like it will take you to the blog it was originally posted on, so you can check it out to see if there are more fun ideas on that blog.  You don't post stuff like on blogger. You can add a URL to post an idea but it's just different than on here. I have posted things from my blog on Pinterest by adding the URL of the particular post. It's just such a really fun thing. One fun thing you can do is add a Pin It button to your favorites bar so that when you are on a sight and you find something you like you can just click on that Pin It button and it automatically Pins it to your board. So fun and easy!! I know that this would be absolutely perfect for so many of you, especially my friend, Tara B.!!! It's really just perfect for anyone who loves blogging or finding ideas on the internet for fun, cute, yummy things to make. So, anyhoo, just give it a try! I know you won't regret it!!!

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