Saturday, December 10, 2011

Getting ready for Christmas...

Our kids wrote their letters to Santa last night. Max's list (he's 5):  A skateboard ramp, a green bike, a trampoline, $2,000,000, a Green (Grim) Reaper costume with a mask, a blue bike, or all of the Wii games ever made. At least he's keeping it simple and he's well grounded....UGH!!!

We took some snapshots for our Christmas card.  Warning:
Scary woman in following pictures...I look very freaky and fat but I'm sharing them with you anyway...

Our cute little children...
Me and Brian...I think this will be my "before" shot and hopefully by next December I'll have a nice "after" shot to put on here.   :(   I hate  being fat!!!

Zacky T

Matty Watty

Maxer Waxers

Miss Gracie Sue

We had a lot of pictures that looked like this...

1 comment:

Denette said...

You are making me feel normal. Your last picture is how many of our pictures turn out. I guess that is life!
Cute sweater. I have one exactly like it and love it!