Thursday, November 10, 2011

Randomness and some venting :)

~So for some reason this morning I remembered something that has made me laugh ever since I remembered it. My older sister Dana is about 2 1/2 years older than I am. Stan used to drive us to school on his way to the college he taught at there in Dodge City, Kansas. He would drop Dana off at the high school and then take me to the junior high. On one particular morning Dana was just having a bad day. Nothing was going right as she was getting ready for school. So she was in a very bad mood!!! (we've all been there. especially when we were teenagers in high school LOL)  The last straw for her was that her jeans were still pretty wet in the dryer. Oooo that just burned her up!!  When we got to the high school she got out of the car and stomped off to school. It happened to be really cold that day. So there she was, all fired up, walking to the school, with steam rolling off of her pants. Stan and I laughed so hard!  It was hilarious! I keep picturing it and it just makes me giggle. I can't help myself!

~The college has been firing people left and right. They repeatedly promised when they merged with our college that NO ONE would lose their jobs. Bunch of liars! When they fired Brian they were going to keep him there until January but changed their minds and told him to go October 31st. And they offered him severance of pay and benefits. I "get" why they would want to save money by giving the responsibilities from this college to the people that already have those responsibilities at their college.  I mean, it's logical. I can wrap my mind around it and understand and realize it's just good business. What I just don't "get", what just infuriates me is that they fired 18 people last Friday. Basically they aren't getting rid of the positions. They even added 2 positions to what they need filled. So 20 positions need to be filled. But they told them that most of the positions will have lower pay. Some even have $15,000 less pay. They all have to reapply and re- interview for the positions they had before. Some of the positions can only be filled by people with Master's Degrees. The part that makes me the maddest is that they did this to Kathy. EVERYONE loves Kathy! She is the creator of the program she runs. She has been the director of it from the moment of it's creation. She does amazing things. She is a wonderful person and has overcome a lot of trials in her life with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She is an example and an inspiration to everyone who knows her!!! They fired her and demoted her to supervisor instead of director. They are just dirty! You know, just down right dirty! How could anyone do that to KATHY!!! Oh I'm just so MAD!!! I don't know what her decision is going to be with it all but I know she is a strong, wonderful person and she will survive this and continue being a wonderful person but it just breaks my heart to think of people being so rotten to her!!!

~I love music! I have chosen some songs to play on my  blog and I just love to turn it on random play and play it while I clean and do dishes. A few weeks ago I was listening to my blog music and I realized that one of the songs had the "f" word in it. I about died!  Sorry if you happened to hear that! I didn't mean it! Really!

~I am such a bawl baby! I have been stocking those recordable story books that Hallmark makes. I think they are very cute and a wonderful idea. The other day I saw the Hallmark commercial for these books. It had a man in the military sitting on his bed and he opens up the book and hears his voice of his sweet little child reading the book. Of course I thought of my brother in law who just got home from his 3rd or 4th tour of duty in Iraq. I pictured his cute little granddaughter sending one to him and him opening it and hearing her cute little voice. Yeah, I cried! I got all teary just describing it just now. Hallmark commercials always make me cry...

~I know everyone thinks it's terrible that the stores put Christmas stuff out so early but it is really getting me excited for Christmas this year. I love walking into Walmart

~I am starting to like our house more and more all the time. It's amazing to me what a difference having beds for my kids, a couch that doesn't show dirt, a table and chairs that aren't broken, shelves for organizing stuff, shelves for displaying my cute stuff and for organizing movies and books, makes in my life. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I am surprisingly happy even though Brian is out of work. I love my kids so much! They are such a precious gift! I am grateful for my husband! I love him and I am actually glad he's home more now! I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. For forgiveness and repentance. For families being able to be together forever. For spiritual music. For the opportunity I have to go tomorrow with 2 of my sisters and my mom to Time Out For Women in St. George. I haven't ever been so I'm anxious to so what it's like. I am thankful to have a roof over our heads. I am thankful to have a fun little job to supplement our income. I am just so happy to be alive and to feel no pain and to know all of the wonderful people I know. For my friends! For a wonderful ward! I my calling in young women. These girls are just amazing!!! So grateful for a living prophet, President Monson. For missionary work. Brian and I have benefited so much from the wonderful missionaries who taught our parents the gospel. Life certainly isn't perfect. Far from it actually. But I am happy that I still feel happy! Prayer, a loving Heavenly Father, a selfless, Savior Jesus Christ, the comfort and companionship of the Holy Ghost are the greatest blessings in this life!


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