Monday, June 7, 2010


So when life gets really rough I have to count my blessings so that I don't let the negativity take over, so, here goes (in no particular order)....

I am thankful for:
blue skies
HOT summer days
seeing friends for the first time in 5 years
brown eyed baby girls
watching my kids run through the sprinklers
having a clean bathroom
the rubbermaid tote we found in our cellar that is FULL of novels
Max's big blue eyes against his green tball hat
feeling the spirit
being married to my best friend
my wonderful brother in law, JJ. All I can say is I'm sorry you had to get hurt in this after you were being so generous and kind and thoughtful and good.  It breaks my heart!!!
ice cold Cherry Coke
Mississippi Mud Cake
last but not least
air conditioning!!!!


Tara said...

I'm not too thankful for anything right now, because my air conditioning is not working (again). Apparently last summers fix didn't work for long and I am melting!! That darn heat has sucked the niceness (is that a word?) out of me!

Becky Freeman said...

I totally agree sometimes we can do nothing more than focus on what we have!!! Like beautiful children and wonderful husbands and a smart and kind mother. We arrived home Sunday night to find out that my mom had turned our air conditioner on for us so the house wasn't 900 degrees when we got home from Idaho Falls. Thank goodness for small favors:)