Friday, May 28, 2010


~So, Brian and Zack spent the morning moving stuff from our storage unit to our house. It is such a tedious process seeing as how we don't have a truck and have to use the van with the back seats taken out. Well, they put everything on the driveway under the carport thinking we could look through things there and decide whether it needed to be taken in the house or stored in the cellar.  After a while we got sick of sorting and decided to go to Walmart for some much needed supplies. When we got back home we discovered that the STUPID wind had blown over my "special" box of memories from high school, etc.  Most of the contents had blown all over the driveway and across the street into the big open field that is surrounded by a barb wire fence. Luckily Brian was able to carefully lift Matthew over the fence and he collected everything he could find and Brian carefully lifted him back over the fence.  I am SOOOOO incredibly sick and tired of WIND!!!  First it was super cold wind. We have watched most of Zack's baseball games from the van where we wrestle Gracie. I don't want her out in that bitter wind!  Now it's fierce wind that's warm. I don't care what the temperature of the wind is....I...HATE...WIND!!! It reminds me of growing up in Kansas. I loved growing up in Kansas but I don't miss the wind!!! 
~I feel I should offer my condolences to my friend Emily. I hear her super fun, fellow Santaquin resident, Gary Coleman, has passed away. I am sure she'll miss his tirades and all that positive publicity he brought to the community.  ;)  HeHeHe  May he rest in peace...
~I'm wondering if the chick I saw today in town that rats her hair up in the back so that it makes sort of a tiara shaped ratty mound on top of her head, thinks she's a princess.  I think I would rather see her walking around with an actual tiara on her head than that mess. I know I am no beauty queen and certainly no princess but even I know that that looks ridiculous!!  I do think it is an improvement over the ratty, box on the head shaped mess people were doing for a while there, though. 
~There are tons of lizards (or maybe just the same creepy one) in our back yard. The boys are in HEAVEN!! They have had more fun chasing lizards the past few days.  I'm cool with them chasing them, touching them, holding them, whatever, but I about jumped out of my skin the other day when my nephew brought one in the house!!!  And when I took the garbage out and one scurried across the ground in front of me.  Shiver, shiver!!
~Just a little tip for the people at the dentist office...if you have like 12 patients in the building at the same time and there is only one dentist MAY have overbooked.  I'm just sayin an hour and a half to glue Max's crown back on was a bit excessive!!!
~Have I mentioned how much I HATE moving?! We move so much you would think it is our favorite pass time but, no we really, really hate it! It's GLORIOUS to be in our own place again but I can't stand the state of disarray the house is in while we are trying to figure out where to put everything.  All the craziness going on in our lives right now and the every day duties of a mother with 4 kids that are all home for summer vacation keeps me busy enough!  This putting the house together thing feels like it is taking FOREVER!!!  Especially with my kids destroying all progress I seem to make as soon as I make it.  I told Brian the next time we move we better be able to eat out a lot because trying to cook for 6 people and clean up after 6 people with no dishwasher while trying to get a handle on this place is just TOO much!!! 
~June is going to be very interesting around here. It will be fun too but more than a little crazy. Zack is in baseball and has been since April, Matthew is in soccer, and Max is in Tball.  There is one game or another almost every night of the week in June. Sometimes there are 2 games a night. Sometimes both at the same time. I know many of you deal with the same thing.  My sypathies...jk.  It really is fun to see the kids having so much fun and progressing and succeeding at something they love so much. I just hope the weather in June is better than the weather in May has been so the games will be more fun to watch!!  I think May and June are busier than November and December are for us at this point in our lives. Crazy times but oh so fun!!!!  We love it and we LOVE our kids!!!  I'm planning to post some fun pictures on my Word From The Zoo blog soon. If anyone doesn't have an invite to it since it's a private blog feel free to request an invite from me.  Just give me your email address.  I just like to control who sees it so some wierdo from some crazy far off land isn't looking at pictures of my babies.  I once had several of those show up on my feedjit and that made me go private with the blog.  Anyway, I hope everyone is having a fun summer vacation so far. Hopefully soon the weather will actually act like summer so we can all enjoy all the really fun parts of summer!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Thanks for thinking of us. We're all a little blue....It may take a while, but we'll recover ;) p.s. i hATe wind!!!