Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chew, People, Chew!!!!!

Matthew tried to give us all a heart attack last night! We were eating chicken enchiladas for dinner and all of a sudden he ran to the hallway and started jumping up and down and making a weird noise. I ran to him and took him to the bathroom and he managed to tell me that he had a piece of chicken stuck in his throat. He acted like he was vomiting, at least dry heaving, but nothing came out so I did the heimlich maneuver on him and he was able to finally get out a huge piece of chicken. Then he started back up again with having problems and heaving again so I did the heimlich maneuver on him again and he got another big piece out. SCARED ME TO DEATH!!!! I've had to do that with 2 other kids in my life. Once when I was a teenager babysitting a 1 year old and he choked on a hot dog. Another time when I worked for a LARGE daycare when Brian and I were newlyweds and there was a little 2 year old eating hotdogs and got choked. All I have to say is thank goodness for the Young Women's organization in our church!!! At one activity they had someone who was CPR certified come and teach us how to do the heimlich maneuver on adults and babies (I've had to do that on Gracie a couple of times when she has had pennies lodged) and they taught us some other basic safety things. Things like, what do you throw on a fire in the kitchen, how do you stop a person's bleeding, etc. The things I learned at that activity have stayed with me for all these years and have helped me many times! I also remember an activity where they had someone come and tell us how to present ourselves in a job interview. How to fill out a job application. What to wear. Some helpful things to say. I still remember some of the things from that activity as well. So grateful for the Y.W. program! So grateful for great leaders!!! So grateful I was able to save my son last night! We had a discussion about how if you're choking you should stay by people and get them to understand that you need help! He could have gone in the bathroom and choked to death and we would just have thought he was going to the bathroom. SCARY!!! I think he thought he needed to puke and he KNOWS he has to get to the bathroom if that's the case. But I just never realized I needed to have that discussion with my kids about choking. Anyhoo, it was scary but thank goodness he's fine!!!!!!!!

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