Friday, February 26, 2010

The poor guy has no "skills"

Poor Zacky...he's just too GOOD! His little brother Max has an ear infection and strep throat so he decided to take advantage of the situation that was placed before him and fake sick so he could stay home from school today. This is how the conversation went...

Zack: Mom, did Max tell you how he felt the first day he was sick?
Me: Yes, he said his head hurt and his throat hurt but he only had a very low grade fever.
Zack: Well, I have a lot of gas and I keep burping for no reason.
Me: Yeah, that happens sometimes. You need to hurry and get ready for school now!

Poor guy! He just can't fib. I'm so glad! But I feel kind of bad for him. I used to be a PRO at faking sick! Brian was too. He didn't get his lack of "skills" from us! My brother Nathan beats all I've ever seen though! He admitted to all of us last year that he used to fake sick so much that my mom even took him in to have stomach tests. You know, the kind where you have to fast and drink that yucky, chalky stuff and everything! I remember when they took him in for the tests and my parents were worried about him and the conclusion the dr.s came to was that he had a nervous stomach and possibly an ulcer. Too funny!!! We all thought he had a serious problem until last year! I wonder if Zack will ever figure it out? Part of me hopes he doesn't and part of me hopes he does. Is that bad? I mean, as a parent I LOVE that he doesn't skip school yet and miss important learning opportunities. Not to mention the fact that Matthew refuses to ride the  bus to school when Zack isn't riding it too and Brian or I have to drive him to school. Then I HAVE to make sure I meet him at the bus after school or he totally flips out!!! But part of me knows that that's a part of a kids life. Skipping out on school once in a while and just vegging out on the couch and enjoying a little more attention from your mom. He's only 9, I'm sure eventually he'll meet some good little slacker friend that will show him the light. :) For now I'll just appreciate what I've got til it's gone!!!


Tara said...

haha! That's great! Don't encourage him too much yet, before you know it he'll be sneaking out to see his girlfriends!

I still remember my very first blatant lie. I was four years old and it involved a boy....and I wonder where Brookie get's it from :) I'm in trouble if she really takes after me!

Ginger said...

That's a blessing that he can't lie. I wish all kids were like that!